
July 23, 2014

Nivea Q10 Plus Anti-Wrinkle Day Cream review

I'm not big on skincare. I put all skincare items in the boring-but-essential basket. Kinda like my taxes. And insurance. I can't help it, I just can't seem to get excited over skincare and if you've read my blog for any length of time you'll know that when it comes to skin I like to keep it simple.

Nivea is something that I keep going back to over and over again because it's just one of those brands that's stood the test of time (I remember seeing those old blue tins of the stuff in my grandparents' house years and years ago).

As a Beauty Directory Expert Panellist (doesn't that make me sound, ummm... expert?) I was asked to trial the Nivea Q10 Plus Anti-Wrinkle Day Cream for 4 weeks and provide my views in a survey. You can read about the survey results, which also include answers from other BD Experts HERE. Why 4 weeks? Because Nivea is offering a money back guarantee if you try this product for 4 weeks and don't see improvements to your skin, valid between 20 July - 21 September 2014. 

I am lucky in that I don't have too many wrinkles, I guess I have my genes to thank for that. What I did need help with though was dryness. My skin gets really dry, which causes tiny little lines to show up under my eyes. Well I'm happy to say that after trialling this for 4 weeks my skin feels more hydrated, and as a result the fine lines aren't noticeable.

So if like me you like to keep your skincare routine simple, but effective, then definitely give this one a try. You have nothing to lose really - it's $19.95 for a 50ml tub and remember, you get your money back if you don't see results with it after 4 weeks of use. Click HERE for more info on the money back guarantee.

Have you tried anything from the Nivea range?



  1. Aged 23 and I bought this last week, I also have no wrinkles but I guess it's never too early! I love Nivea but find my skin gets so dry with the normal creams that I really wanted something super nourishing. I'm loving it already and use it as a nightcream too. Also a complete bargain!

    Meryl x

  2. I'm a Nivea girl, but I haven't tried this one and maybe I should because my wrinkles are coming a bit too quickly for my liking!

  3. I'm all about skincare. There's only so much makeup can do but great skin is everything. I haven't tried Nivea skincare before, but I always buy their body lotions :-)

  4. I swear by their vitamin e body cream. Will have alook at this one!

  5. I'm such a fan of Nivea products, I've got very dry and sensitive skin and I find that their products that cater to my skin type are super moisturising despite the cold winters here in Melb! How lucky that you don't have too many wrinkles, I'm in my early 20s and I've already got quite a few at my eyes!
