
July 29, 2014

Kylie Jenner Lip Tutorial

Is it just me or has little Kylie Jenner all of a sudden grown up and become a makeup icon? She, or should I say her makeup artist, has been favouring a soft and subtle smokey eye but pairing it with super pouty matte lips. There's a bit of talk out there whether she has or hasn't had her lips done, but call me naive, I'd like to believe it's all done with makeup.

She tends to wear the type of colours that were popular back in the 90s -  matte browns, mauves and beiges. Very Beverly Hills 90210. I remember wearing such colours back when I was still in high school in the mid/late 90s (oops, showing my age?). And here I am 20 years later doing it again!
And here's how you too can achieve super pouty Kylie Jenner lips.

The key is lipliner - you basically line slightly outside your natural lip line, exaggerating the cupids bow. My favourite products for a Kylie Jenner lip are Nabi lipliner in Natural, Australis Go Longwear lipstick in Preppy (one of my faves!) and MAC lipstick in Hue dapped on centre of lips for highlight. 

What do you think of the Kylie Jenner lip look? Trendy? Or should it stay back in the 90s along with the cast of 90210?


  1. Ah 90210... I watched an old episode a few weeks ago. Memories. I like 90's makeup particularly the brown nudes on lips. I am happy to see the trend back.

    1. Yeah, the 90s makeup with the brown tones was pretty nice - but have you noticed how much older it made everyone look? LOL.

  2. Hm, liner is a bit too obvious for me but I like the whole nude-mauve trend :) I will try it but first I have to find a perfect liner.
    Sara xPassing Fancy​

    1. Funny you say that about the liner, because in real life it was not obvious at all, the liner and lippy were an exact match but for some reason in the pics the lippies came out pink toned while the liner more warmer brown so you can see the difference. I'm generally not a liner person anyway, so if I was to do this again I'd skip the liner and jump straight to a mauve lipstick! :)
