
June 15, 2014

EVOHE Repair Intensive - a miracle wonder product you need to know about

You know I like to keep things simple when it comes to skincare. I hate layering creams over lotions over serums over oils over... stop, I can't concentrate anymore! I generally want 1 product to moisturise my skin, and that's it. In fact if there is 1 product that does the job of many other products, then even better! Well ladies and ladies (I don't think there are gentlemen reader of M&M), here is that 1 product that you need to know about.

EVOHE Repair Intensive Cream 
A friend of mine that does PR for EVOHE sent me a Mums & Bubs Gift Pack and this cream was in the pack. When I first opened the pack Luca, my 2 year old, was next to me and he pounced on the packaging which has a baby on it yelling "be-beee, be-beeee" because anyone that's less than 2 years old is a baby in Luca's eyes. Actually come to think of it anyone that's shorter than him is a be-beee even if they're older than him in years. #toddlerlogic

Now back to this cream.  It's got multiple uses!
  • As a facial moisturiser for morning and night - this is how I use it
  • As a treatment for cuts, bites and bruises
  • As a treatment for baby's nappy rash
  • As a deodorising cream - yep, it has a lovely natural scent
  • You can also combine it with other EVOHE products to turn it into a deep treatment or even foundation. 

It contains Rooibos, Calendula, Golden Seal, Green Tea and Gotu Kola which are known for their powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.

So as you can see, it's a bit of a miracle cream. 

Does it have any downsides? None that I've found... but... I will probably stop using it in summer as it does feel quite heavy on and my skin gets oily in warmer weather. Or I might just use it at night, we'll wait and see. 

EVOHE products are 100% certified organic and all natural so if you love organic skincare, or just want a really good intensive moisturiser then definitely check out the range. I did mention they're Australian, right? Their website is and you can even get trial sized products if you don't want to commit to a full sized product straight away.

The EVOHE Repair Intensive is $47.95 for 100ml or $13.90 for 20ml

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