
May 04, 2014

Why hello there, nice to see you again too!

Hi everyone, I'm back from my month long bloggie break! Thank you all for sticking around, for your lovely words and emails. And hello to all my new readers, welcome!

I took some time off because it was getting too difficult to juggle it all for a while, so I thought time away from the blog would do me good. So did it? You betcha!

Nothing has changed in my situation - I'm still working 4 days a week, my toddler son still demands 150% of my attention, and I'm still trying to juggle being a working mama with running a blog on the side. But this time away gave me the break I needed and made me realise I still want to keep on blogging, even if it means that I can't give it all the attention that I want. After all this is a hobby blog, this isn't how I make a living so if I don't post for a few days it's ok.

You might remember that I did a quick reader survey to see what type of posts you'd like to see here on Makeup and Macaroons.  Thank you so much for your responses. I had to close the survey early as after 100 responses Survey Monkey wouldn't let me see the results unless I paid for a premium membership. And I didn't want you to go to the trouble of doing the survey when I couldn't see your responses. But a hundred responses still gives me a statistically valid sample (yes, I can be a numbers nerd sometimes) so if you're a bit of a survey junkie like me you probably want to see the results. Here they are!

As you can see from the above graphs the top 3 topics you want to see here on Makeup and Macaroons are
1. Product reviews
2. FOTDs - Makeup Looks
3. Tutorials

And you know what, that's what I'll be focusing on as well with a sprinkling of the other topics thrown in so it doesn't get too boring around here.

I also asked for some verbal feedback to see if you had any suggestions for improving my blog, but apart from getting some really lovely comments about my blog's focus on real and affordable beauty (thank you!), there weren't any other improvement suggestions. It's not too late though, if something is bugging you about my blog just drop me a line at I promise I won't get upset... but be kind!

Oh and you might also notice things look a bit different here in the blog real estate. It's a bit of a work in progress, but I'm just trying to de-clutter things and make my blog easier to navigate. Again, improvement suggestions are most welcome.

So thanks again for all your feedback and support all these years, and I'll start proper posting from tomorrow!


  1. Welcome back ! Hope you're feeling refreshed :)
