
May 14, 2014

NOT jumping on the bandwagon - 5 cult beauty products that left me cold

As a beauty blogger and avid reader of anything to do with beauty, I'm always exposed to new products, and most of the imd I jump on whatever bandwagon is going around to try these products for myself. But there are a few things that I just can't seem to get into, no matter how much of a cult status it has in the beauty world. You might be different and absolutely LOVE they things that I don't, but here are 5 things that had the beauty blogger world in frenzy but just could get me to jump on their bandwagon. (Remember, these are purely my opinions and not a reflection on the products themselves or others who love them!)

1. BB Creams
I've tried my fair share of these but they've all left me cold.  What are they even? A moisturiser? Foundation? They're just too heavy to be a moisturiser and don't provide enough coverage to be a foundation except for the Jane Iredale one which which I liked as it had full coverage, but was lacking in longevity. On the whole BB creams just leave me cold, so pass.

2. Lip butters
The Revlon lip butters were on everyone's lemming list and spawned a whole generation of lip butters from other brands. I wanted them too... and I tried them, and yes, they left me cold. Gorgeous colours but they were just too sheer for me, and that buttery feeling? Nope, didn't like it. Felt too heavy and slipped all over the place. I've tried a few others in the "lip-butter" family and again not been converted. Pass.

3. Radiant finishing powders 
Yes, I am talking about those Hourglass ones. This will probably be controversial as soooo many people think these are a must have. I even went and spent s*tload of money and got one from Meccamaxima. And I admit, they do make my skin look flawless and lit from within. So what's the problem? The effect doesn't last! Unless I go around reapplying this powder all day long, that lit-from-within glow goes away after an hour.

4. Micellar waters
Here's another one that might be controversial as every MUA and beauty blogger I know raves about them. Yes, it's those cleansing waters that started with Bioderma and now every other brand is also releasing their own. Now these are something I have not tried, so I didn't really want to include in this list in case I end up trying it and convert. But right now I have no intention of trying them. As above, I just don't want to add yet another step to my skincare routine. Pass.

5. Cleansing brushes
You know the ones I'm talking about? Those little hand held electric contraptions that have a rotating brush on the end which you use to cleanse your skin. Every beauty blogger and their pet wanted one of those. Me? Nah, as someone who preaches simple skincare I couldn't think of anything worse to use to cleanse my face. Those brushes just look too harsh, and seriously who has the time to add yet another step to their skincare routine? Pass.

So my lovelies, what beauty product bandwagons have left you cold?


  1. I agree with you on the Cleansing brushes! Maybe it's because I have dry and sensitive skin, but the thought of scrubbing my face does not appeal to me!
    I can't really think of a list of my own, I haven't bought a lot of products that a lot of bloggers write about. Mostly it's because I can't afford them, rather than not wanting them.

    1. I imagine those brushes would be a killer on sensitive skin! Although my skin isn't sensitive, just the thought of it makes my face itchy and scratchy!

  2. I totally agree with BB creams. They all seem to turn orange on me. I do love my Clarisonic though.
    SK-II facial essence is a product that leaves me cold. It didn't do anything at all for me, and it smells like dirty socks.

    1. LOL at SK-II smell... I wonder if it's the yeast in it that does it? That's how I feel about Subway breads as the yeasty smell reminds me of stinky socks, so I guess it's similar. :)

  3. It seems people either love or hate the cleansing brushes - personally I wouldn't be without mine - I have always had problem skin, and when I got pregnant I cut out skincare products containing salicylic acid etc, and used basic cleansers, - and my skin broke out badly, but as soon as I introduced the Clairsonic, my skin cleared up, so for me, well worth it!

    1. Glad to hear it's worked for you! My views on Clarisonic are based purely on what I think it might feel like, NOT actually because I've tried and hated it. How funny would it be if I tried and loved it, I'd have to change this post! LOL

  4. I loved the Clarisonic at first.. until it got to the point where it felt like it was literally scraping my skin and triggered a big skin irritation... so that was that!! What I could never understand, is the hype around the Tangle Teaser brush. Completely ineffective!! (for me)

    1. Oooh I've always wondered what the Tangle Teaser was like, not that I need it with my straight hair but for my little boy I was considering it. Maybe i pass.

  5. Nooo, now I'm contemplating do I try the Hourglass powders or not.. aaah! xxx

    Verity | Life of Verity

    1. Why don't you try it at the shops if you can, just to see if you like the effect and how long it lasts on you. The effect really IS fantastic, it's just that it lasts an hour only on me and I have dry skin! that's why I think it's not worth it.

  6. Haha, there are a few things on this list that I like/love. Have you tried any Asian BB creams before? They're quite different. I recommend the Missha Signature Real Complete BB Cream if you want to give another one a go. From my understanding, BB creams GENERALLY have less coverage than foundation, but there are so many different ones out there so I'm sure there are some that cover both sides of the spectrum. I love my Revlon lip butters, I own like 5 - 6. I find sheer colours much easier to wear for the daytime. I have some of the Bioderma micellar water in my arsenal but it isn't a must-have. Does a great job at removing base makeup though! I actually really want to try the Hourglass powder. I have oily skin though so the effect might not last long. :/ xx

    1. Haha I thought there'd be a lot of my readers that would love some of these items! But, to each their own, right? I haven't tried the Missha BB cream but tried another one from a Korean store which I found really heavy and cast a white glow on my face. Hmmm... I'll stick to normal foundations. xx

  7. Interesting to hear about the lasting power of those Hourglass powders, the blush I have from the line lasts all day on me so good to know that the powders aren't as good with longevity. I haven't used a brush like that before either, mainly out of fear, but I absolutely adore my Garnier micellar water so am definitely pulling that wagon along :)

    1. LOL, if the micellar water bandwagon is working for you then definitely stay on it! Oh and interesting to hear the hourglass blushes last longer, maybe that's what i need? LOL

  8. I agree that some things deserve no hype but I really loved the Revlon Lip Butters! Although I have to say, I hate Bioderma, I think there are a lot of cheaper, better alternatives!


    1. There are some great colours in the Lip Butter range, I'd have to give them that! If only they didn't slip all over the place on my lips. :(

  9. This was so interesting! I loveeee the lip butters, and I love my clarisonic hahahaha. Not a massive fan of BB creams. I love my Bioderma micellar water, but it is so expensive for what it is.
    Interesting about the lasting power of those hourglass powders! Such a shame, if they do create such a nice glow :(

    Michaela // Where is my mind?

    1. Oh I was so disappointed with my hourglass powder... the effect is just so gorgeous, it looks like I have airbrushed skin... but that lasts 1 hour only. Damn!

  10. The only BB Cream I love is the MAC one, other than that i've only tried Maybelline. I do really like Bioderma, it helps to remove my makeup especially eye make up! At first I thought it was an unnecessary step but i've grown to enjoy it. I have to agree I am not convinced on these cleansing brushes, I like simple no fuss cleansing and I have a little face brush from The Body Shop that does just the job for me!

    1. I have heard those micellar waters are great for removing eye makeup - but no, I'll stay away from them because what if I end up loving them? Then I'll have to edit this post completely! LOL

  11. I did not like the lip butters at all. I have one left out of maybe 6 I got when they were first released. I much prefer a proper lipstick

  12. Ha, whenever I read one of these blogs the first thing I think of is Maybelline Great Lash mascara!
