
March 07, 2014

THEN & NOW: MAC Melba Blush

Welcome to another instalment of THEN & NOW where I take a look back at a product I liked (or didn't like) a while back, then see if my opinions have changed over time.

Today we'll be looking at MAC Melba, a very coveted blush in the beauty blogging field. It's a matte muted peach shade which is quite pigmented and gives a delicate flush to the cheeks. I first wrote about it back in March 2011 (!) and at the time it was a favourite of mine. And now? Ummm... hmm... well as you can see from the NOW picture, this hasn't had much use at all! As gorgeous as it is in the pan, on my skin it takes on a muddy appearance and makes me look dirty. I don't know how it was a favourite of mine a couple of years ago, but right now it definitely does not suit me. I might have to give it away to a friend of put it up on a blog sale, because right now it's just gathering dust in my draws - unused and unloved.

Final Verdict: No longer love it
Left: with flash; Right: no flash

Have you tried MAC Melba? Do you like it?


  1. I had it, then realised I had an actual exact dupe, NARS Gilda so sold it. It is a nice colour and I like that it's matte!

    1. Nice to know you managed to sell it off! No use having a dupe laying around. :)

  2. I haven't tried it - but I have a similar story with Blushbaby! Couldn't use it enough for months in a row, and I hardly touch it lately. Luckily I've already hit some serious pan though :)

    1. Oooh I love how Blushbaby looks on others, but it's one of those shades that doesn't suit me either otherwise I would have bought it by now! Glad you've made a dent in it though, at least it's not going to waste :)

  3. I bought it on a recommendation from a Youtube video, but when I got home and really looked at it, I don't think it will suit me. I'll be taking it back as soon as I have a chance to hit the mall. :(

    1. It does look really nice in the pan, but yes I don't think it suits everyone. I think it has a tendency to go muddy, and especially since there's no shimmer to lift it up a bit. Good luck taking it back!

  4. I had the same problem but i found out why...This blush only looks good on pale skin...try it when your face pale and dont use it with bronzer..then you will love it.

  5. I was thinking about starting a then and now type thing on my blog! I love looking back and seeing the things I used to be obsessed with!

