
March 31, 2014

Taking a bloggie break

I've decided to take the month of April off away from the blog.

I have been blogging for 3.5yrs now and have never taken a bloggie break. Even when on holidays or when I had a baby I've still had drafts lined up for publishing in my absence. I love to blog and I love interacting with all my wonderful readers. But lately things have been getting a bit hectic for me in my personal and professional life and I feel like I'm not giving my blog the attention it deserves.

Makeup and Macaroons is a hobby blog, I have a job in a completely different field 4 days a week. And lets not forget my toddler son who is verrrrry active and keeps me on my toes all the time. So right now it's getting a bit difficult to juggle it all. And yes, I know there are wonder women out there that can juggle 4 kids under 4, a blog, and compete in fitness competitions but that's not me (Freckled Fox, I'm looking at YOU!). I don't want to feel like blogging is a chore, so taking some time away from the blog will do me good I think.

I do want to thank you all for your continued support throughout these last few years, and a warm welcome to all my new readers. I'll be back again in May 2014 but in the meantime you can keep in touch with me via my Instagram (@lilitsblog).

PS: I would love it if you could take 2 mins to do my survey below, it's just so I can find out what kind of posts you'd like to see more of here in the future. The responses are anonymous.

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  1. Sounds like a little break from blogging is the best thing for you right now hun. I'm so pleased it's just a break and that you will be returning soon. I hope everything settles down for you during April xxx

  2. Enjoy your break...enjoy your family and spend lots of time in cafes!

  3. Bloggie Breaks are great! You'll come back fresh and inspired and feeling like you want to post 100 posts in 1 week! I know because I took quite a few breaks, short, long and random. For a long time I felt like taking a break is a big no-no. now it's opposite - I highly recommend it to every blogger. I don't know how actually you can do it - almost full time job, kid and blog. And your blog is a great qulity blog, with great photos and useful advice... Don't know how you manage to do it all. It's so intense!

  4. PS. The moral of the story, don't feel sad about taking a break, you know what I mean? Your readers will be here when you're back. You're not missing out on anything... We'll be still here!!! So go and enjoy your break, sleep a lot my friend! XX

  5. As a mother of two and just getting back into blogging after time off I can assure you it will do you soo much good! Enjoy!

  6. I completely understand and after 3 and a half years you deserve it! I was a bit sporadic at the start of the year but I just went with the flow a bit, doing what I wanted when I wanted and now I'm feeling a lot more energised. I'll look forward to reading you again in May :)

  7. Hi! I'm little bit dissapointed, cause I just now found your awesome blog and you wrote that making a pause break ;) now I will discover your archieve :) best regards for you xxx :))!

    1. Aaww thank you so much for your lovely words Maria :-)
      Hope you enjoy my past posts, and i will definitely be back in 3 weeks!

  8. I just discovered your blog recently and have really enjoyed it so far. Your ability to be honest with yourself and take time off is wonderful to witness! Brava! Enjoy your well deserved break! See you in May! x
