
March 17, 2014

Putting the Sensationail Gel Nail Kit to the test

Ok, I'm not going to beat around the bush. The Sensationail At Home Gel mani system is the bees knees. It met its claims. It gave me chip free shiny shiny nails that lasted for ages. And it was easy to use. There, now if you want to read my full review then read on, otherwise you know exactly how I feel about Sensationail without having to sit through my ramblings.

When I was first offered the chance to try the Sensationail Starter Kit I admit, I was hesitant. It just seemed too hard.  And I have a confession - I'm bad with instructions, in that I simply don't follow them, or only partly follow them. What if in my refusal to follow instructions I resulted in me having ugly nails for 2 weeks. But no, it was absolutely simple to use and without too many instructions :-)

What's in the Starter Kit
You get everything you need for a perfect at home gel mani for up to 10 applications. It comes with:
- LED Lamp  
- Gel Cleanser
- Gel Primer
- Gel Base & Top Coat
- Gel Nail polish (in Scarlet Red or Raspberry Wine)
- Lint free pads
- Nail buffer & stick

This costs $89.99AUD which is pricey to begin with, but if you get 10 applications then that works out at $8.99 each mani session. Not bad at all. Plus this is just an initial cost, so if you love DIY gel nails then you can buy separate items as they run out instead of buying a whole kit again. And a single gel nail polish is $19.99. It's available at Priceline, Woolworths and selected pharmacies. 

How to use it
It's an easy 3 step process that even someone with aversion to instructions will be able to follow! Now remember, everything in these pictures is included in the starter kit. 

Step 1 - Prepare
- Lightly buff your nails with the included buffer to remove the shine
- Clean your nails using the lint free pads and the gel cleanser
- Apply a think coat of gel primer

Step 2 - Lacquer Up
-Apply a THIN coat of gel base & top coat being careful not to go over your cuticles
- Cure under the LED light for 30 seconds - the light will beep at 30 secs so you'll know when to stop
- Apply a THIN coat of your gel nail polish, again, being careful not to mess up around your cuticles.
- Cure under the LED light for 60 seconds - the light will turn off after 60 secs so you'll know she to stop.
- Apply a second THIN coat of your gel nail polish and cure as above

(I actually only applied 1 coat of nail polish and it still turned out great! And yes, it is because I didn't read the instructions). 

Step 3 - Protect
- Apply a THIN coat of gel base & top coat and cure for 30 seconds under the LED light.
- Clean the moist residue with the gel cleanser and lint free pads.


The results speak for themselves really. As I mentioned above I only applied a single coat of the nail polish but the results were still amazing. They lasted 12 days with only minor chipping on the last day. The shine remained throughout the manicure. And to be quite honest I could have gotten another couple of days wear out of them but I got bored of having red nails for almost 2 weeks. 

You can see a chip, if you'd even call it that, on the side of my middle finger. Apart from that the colour has lasted pretty good if you don't mind the regrowth of course. 

I was dreading removal. I thought it would take me forever and a bit to rid my nails of the gel polish, however mine kinda peeled off from the sides and whatever was left I just wiped with regular nail polish remover. I don't know if it was meant to peel off, but that's what happened to mine. The kit recommends you dip your nails in acetone for 15 minutes to soften the polish, then scrape them off. Or you could use the foil method.

Overall I'm really impressed with this DIY gel nail kit. It is the first one that I have tried, and I see no reason to try others. It is easy to use and the results speak for themselves. I will most likely get some other shades, probably more neutral tones so I can wear them for 2 weeks without getting too bored of the shades, or worry that it clashes with my outfits.

You can get Sensationail from PricelineWoolworths and selected pharmacies.  Or through their WEBSITE which has free delivery for order over $50. 

*PR Sample. Contains affiliate links


  1. Looks lovely dear! xo

  2. I was sent one from a PR but it was by Fuse but shortly right after I received that same kit as a present from my aunt. I sadly did not like the Fuse even though the steps were waaaaaaaay easier, without any base cost or top cost to begin/start with. I like this more as it ensures you get a perfect coating on your nails (though it is more steps) I think it's heading towards more of a salon quality twist than a 'one stop quick fix'

    1. Oh and I think Fuse & Sensationail are from the same company/PR too!

    2. Oh what a shame about Fuse, as I was going to try that! I thought it looked simpler but I guess you sacrifice on quality that way. This Sensationail is seriously good, Ive never had gel nails done before so can't compare to salon quality but the results have been fantastic for me.

  3. I'm going to NEED this. That is all.
    Oh, and are there a large variety of colours available for purchase, do you know? I too get bored with the same colour for too long.. Xx

    1. Oh hun you don't know how EASY it was for me the last 12 days or so, not having to worry about my nails! I just hate having chipped polish, so the fact that I didn't have to worry about it was just great. And yes, there is a variety of shades. There's even a green/aqua shade I've spotted but not sure if I'd like to sport green nails for 2 weeks. I think I'll just get neutrals that I can wear with whatever. xx
