
December 30, 2013

Recapping the year - 2013

Can you believe that the year is almost over? Is it just me, or are the years going faster and faster the older you get? Well,  I won't dwell on that and instead I'll do a quick recap of my year 2013. Here are 13 random things that I posted about in 2013.

1. I started the year 6 months post partum and trying to lose the baby weight. Link to post HERE.  

2. And told you why I, a bright lipstick lover, hardly ever wore bright lippies anymore. Yes, my little boy had something to do with it! Link HERE

3. I showed you my quick beauty tip to looking more awake. Link HERE.

4. I did a post on how I fill in my sparse eyebrows. Link HERE.

5. Then asked you to guess which look cost me $100 and which cost $300. HERE

6. I went back to work after having a baby, and trying to see how this whole work/life balance thing would work. Link HERE

7. I gave you the lowdown on different mascara wand types, and what effect each has on your lashes. Link HERE.

8. Then I did some nail art and show you how in this tutorial. Link HERE

9. I shared my recipe for low fat tiramisu, and yes, it is full on deliciousness! Link HERE.

10. I caved and I bought MAC RiRi Woo. Link HERE

11. My son turned 1 year old. Link HERE.

12. We took a family holiday to Europe. Link HERE.

13. And finally, I shared my everyday contouring routine. Link HERE.

So there you have it, that was my year 2013 according to the blog. I'm looking forward to a fantastic 2014, especially all the new milestones that my son (who is almost 18months now!) will be reaching. Here's hoping that your year was a good one, and that next year will be even better!

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Awesome year, I love your blog :) Wishing you all the best in 2014.

    1. Thank you so much, and same to you for a happy 2014!

  2. Your son is so cute! Great idea for a post

  3. Looks like an amazing year! Have a fun NYE!

  4. Great post, happy new year Lilit !

  5. Great post, love your grey dress.

