
October 08, 2013

Travel diary: Paris

I found Paris very challenging this time around. It was our second time there. The first time was 3 years ago where the husband and I got to explore the beautiful city at a leisurely pace. This time around we had our 1 year old boy with us. Paris is a city for lovers, it is not a city for families. Especially families that have a stroller/buggy with them. There are far too many stairs, far too few lifts or escalators or ramps to make going around town an easy experience. As for baby nappy change facilities? Ummm... I didn't come across any. Plus Luca was still adjusting to the time difference, and he was teething (he ended up cutting 4 teeth while we were away), so the week we spent in Paris was quite difficult. But it was Paris after all, so I loved it none the less.

Here are some photos from our stay there.

"Oh mummy, you're so funny!" 

"No, of course I'm not Instagramming!" 
Trying to get a photo taken with Luca 

Have you been to Paris?


  1. Wow this looks amazing! I have yet to visit Paris.. but it's on my list of places to visit! xx

    1. It's a must see place, it's like a museum! xx

  2. Lovely pictures dear!! Havent been to Paris and it looks amazing!! <3

  3. First of all, how do you manage to look so gorgeous even while travelling with a teething baby?!

    I love the photos, they are stunning! I've never been to Paris but it's definitely on my wishlist. The closest I came was Annecy, just off the Swiss border! It was a beautiful experience and I'd definitely love to go back.

    1. LOL, I've learned to be very very quick with my makeup! Plus I have the husband around who can entertain our little boy while I quickly pull myself together. And yes, Paris is definitely worth a visit even though sometimes it can be overcrowded, or not kid friendly at all!

  4. I've been to Paris a couple of times (without children), such a beautiful city but I agree with you - so not child friendly!

  5. Just beautiful photos. And those red pants! So awesome! Where did you snag those?

    1. They're actually quite old those red pants, I think it was from Target of all places! But it was a few seasons ago so no longer available at the shops.

  6. I absolutely adore Paris, has been far too long in between trips for me. I'm looking forward to hopefully making it there for my honeymoon at the end of next year :)

  7. I worked there as well... right on the Place de la Concorde. I love Paris but could never live in it ;-)
