
October 15, 2013

Armenia lipstick haul

A while back I wrote about a lipstick that I got last time I was in Armenia, it cost me approx $2 and I couldn't find a replacement anywhere. This time when we went back to Armenia I went on the hunt for it of course! While I didn't find the exact same shade, I did haul quite a few other lippies in similar colours at bargain prices. Here's what I got.

Left to right
- Golden Rose lipstick in #127
- Flormar lipstick in #302
- Flormar lipstick in #315
- Classics lipstick in #255
- Golden Rose lipstick in #56
- Golden Rose lipstick in #94

Here are the swatches in the exact same order as above.

All the lipsticks are extremely creamy and moisturising. They also last around 4-5 hours on my lips before fading. The Flormar lipsticks were the most expensive, I don't remember exactly how much due to the currency conversion but I know it was definitely less than $10. The rest all cost my around $2-3 each. Bargain! Unfortunately none of these brands are available in Australia (Flormar used to have a stall in Sydney but not anymore), however these are all widely available in Europe so if you come across them definitely give them a try!

I'll leave you with a few shots from my time in Armenia. As I have family there I've been to Armenia many many times, so I don't tend to take many photos there any more, but here are a few that I wanted to share.
At the Republic Square in Yerevan with my fountain obsessed little boy 
The Opera House in Yerevan at night 
See, my name is pretty common in Armenia. This was a store and for some reason it was called Lilit. I don't even know what they sold as it was closed down/or not yet opened, couldn't tell which. 
With my fountain obsessed boy again in front of the Zodiac fountains
My husband and son taking a break and watching the ducks on Parz Lich (Clear Lake) 
A street in the Old Town of Dilijan 
Old khatchkars at Goshavank monastery  
Taking a rest after a day of site seeing at Goshavank - note Luca's fluoro green juice bottle!

Hope you enjoyed this post! And let me know what you think of the lippies. Am I lipstick obsessed? Yeah, maybe slightly.


  1. Nice finds! Local makeup brands are fun to browse- but it's sad you can't buy them here. Lovely photos! And Luca's fountain obsession could not be more adorable.

  2. Great finds! I love the colours but can't pull them off like you :( I love looking at your holiday pictures.

  3. Armenia looks amazing! Like your son I'm obssed with fountains and those on the picture are nice. Great lipsticks you've got here; i suggest you to do five different looks with each of them
