
August 17, 2013

Paris is always a good idea...

Photo taken by me at our last Europe trip

Hi lovelies,

I'd mentioned previously that we'll be going on a holiday soon. Well, the time has finally arrived! Where are we going? To Paris and Nice in France, then off to Armenia to introduce our little boy to the rest of my family. We've also got some stop overs in Singapore and Dubai (A spot of shopping? why yes of course!)

This is our first major holiday with Luca who is now 13mths old. It'll be very different to our usual holidays as when the husband and I travel we're usually always on the go, go go. But obviously with Luca we'll have to keep the pace fairly slow and relaxed so we don't tire him out too much. And who knows, maybe with a baby in tow we'll actually enjoy things more instead of rushing to the next destination.

And what does this mean for the blog? Well, things will be a bit slow around here for the next 6 weeks. I have made some draft posts which I'll schedule for publishing while we're away, and I may even get the chance to blog a bit from overseas as I'll be taking my lap top with me. We'll just wait and see. So if you contact me for any reason and I don't respond straight away I'm probably having a macaron at Laduree, shopping up a storm at Galleries Lafayette, or more likely trying to keep our toddler entertained!

See you when I get back!


PS: You can follow my travels on my Instagram (@lilitsblog)
PPS: In case you're wondering about the title of the post, it's a quote from one of my favourite Audrey Hepburn movies, Sabrina.


  1. Have an amazing time! I'll be in Paris in about 10 days - can't wait! :)

    1. Hey maybe I'll bump into you there! Actually in 10 days I'll be down in the Sth of France so we'll just miss each other. Have fun there!

  2. Have a wonderful vacation! :D

  3. Sounds like a lovely holiday! Have a great time off!

  4. I love Sabrina, too!! Have a fabulous trip; I have no doubt Luca will be so much better behaved than you anticipate; there are so many new things to do and see for him! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures when you return Xx

    1. Thanks babe, I hope you're right and that Luca behaves :)
      Talk later xx

  5. Wow. I'm so jealous. I can't wait to go to France. Or Ireland, or Australia, New Zealand. I wish I could go everywhere. Have loads of fun! I hope you'll have a chance and stop by my blog. All about Beauty. Life. and DIY. If you ever have a an OTD, LOTD, hair or nail tutorial, or a fun fashion DIY, I'd love for you to share it at "That's my Style" Link party every Friday. Don't have anything to share? Stop by anyway for beauty tutorial and fun DIY projects. Hope to see you there. :)

    Karla @

  6. Hi Lilit, I hope you guys have an awesome time and really savour spending such beautiful, quality time with your family! Who knows, Luca may pick up some French! I can't wait to hear all about your adventures and wish you all the very best. Take care and catch up soon:)

  7. Have fun! I just bought my parents plane tickets to Paris as a present.
    They have never been before :)
