
July 03, 2013

The one where I went shopping without makeup on! Plus WIN a $300 Style Wardrobe Audit: CLOSED

This is post is sponsored by Nuffnang

Remember a few weeks ago when I told you about the time I had my portrait done thanks to Clearasil, and I was asked to remove all my makeup? (Click HERE for that post). Well after I had my portrait done I had some errands to run and do the week’s grocery shopping.

If you’ve been a follower of my blog for a while you probably know that I’m all about glamming up, and I never leave the house unless I have makeup on even if it’s a bit of concealer and mascara. I just don’t feel put together otherwise.

Well on this particular day I had no time at all to go back home, put makeup on, then go back out to the shops. So yes, I braved the shops sans makeup. And you know what? I survived! It wasn’t as horrible as I imagined it would be. My skin was in good condition (thank you Clearasil Vitamins & Extracts for not breaking me out like I thought you might), my hair was behaving itself, so I had the confidence to face the world without makeup on!

Excuse the poor quality of the photo, I only had my iPhone on me.  Oh and I'm not wearing lipstick, my lips were just stained from the bright red lippy I had on beforehand. 

Back to Clearasil Vitamins & Extracts.

I’ve now been using this face wash every day for about a month. You might remember from my original post (click HERE) that having fairly clear skin to begin with, I was worried that any change in my skincare routine would cause a break out. Also the Clearasil I knew from years ago was all about getting rid of pimples. Yet Clearasil Vitamins & Extracts is about maintaining clear skin. It contains a good balance of active ingredients strong enough to prevent breakouts (that would be the salicylic acid at work), but nourishing nutrients that help to maintain clear skin and keep it from drying out (thank you Vitamin E, pomegranate and avocado extracts). I’m pleased to say that not only did my face not freak out, it actually feels clearer than ever. I still experience slight dryness straight after using it, but lets not forget I already have dry skin to begin with. Nothing a good moisturiser can’t fix.

My skin now, after using Clearasil Vitamins & Extracts for over a month. I'm not wearing foundation in this pic, just concealer, powder and blush.

Giveaway time!
Well my dear readers, I have some good news for you. Clearasil are giving away a Style Wardrobe Audit (worth up to $300) to help you improve your confidence and look your best when out and about.

To enter
In order to win the Style Wardrobe Audit all you have to do is answer the following question. Would you do an activity bare faced that you'd normally wear make up for? Why, or why not?

The winner will be picked by Nuffnang and Clearasil. The giveaway is open to Australian residents only and closes 5pm AEDST 15th July 2013. For full terms and conditions see HERE.

Update: The winner, as picked by the sponsors, is Sarah from More Than Adored. The winner has been notified and prize claimed. 


  1. I usually wear make up to work and I think I would definitely consider wearing no make up for a day. I work in a children's cloth boutique and there are so many instances where I think it would really make my customers feel so much better about themselves. Picture this:
    A Mum comes in with 3 kids rushing against time because they need to make it to the netball game on a Saturday morning. Her husband is parked out the front in a no-parking zone and all the kids need a new pair of shoes. She races in and starts wrestling with kid number 1 whilst the other 2 run a muck around the shop. She is flustered with the time limit and the fact that she's on the way to netball in her trackies and puffer jacket with no make up because she's been rostered on to umpire all day.

    This type of thing happens so much at work. I bet she'd feel alot better about herself if she looked up and seen me, the sales assistant, with no make up on as well.


  2. The only activity I would do with no makeup on would be doing a class at the gym. I think you should keep your face bare and clean when exercising as no one really expects you to wear makeup while working out. Lipgloss is ok ofcourse!

  3. I'd love to have the confidence to attend work bare faced, knowing my skin was clear and radiant, glowing from within. It would take a mighty fine complexion to give me the courage to put my professional face forward sans make-up!

  4. The only activity I can imagine having the confidence to wear no makeup to, would be doing the grocery shopping. Only because I live in the middle of no where and the chances of having to see anyone I know, are very slim. After a 6 month streak of clear skin (and thinking my problematic teenage pimples were finished), I've had a flare up of really awful skin. I work in retail and really wish I could have the confidence and ability to go sans makeup, but unfortunately with the condition that it is in, I wouldn't quite look as 'polished and professional' as I am supposed to be. Thinking I should try out Clearasil and see if it gives me the healthy glow I'm looking for that would give me the confidence to go bare faced!

  5. When it comes to work, gym and going to do the grocery shopping, sometimes I wear make-up, sometimes I don't. Just depends on if I can be bothered! And I feel it's good to let my skin breathe without a layer of foundation/powder clogging it up.
    But when it comes to parties, going out for dinner etc., there is no way I could go without make-up. I want to look my best for special occasions.

  6. I wish have confidant to not use makeup but i use it every where and any where i suffered alot from acne and spots i been in accutan treatment for years even now the acne stops but still have spots so at least need to put light foundation to cover it wish i have clear skin so i not worry to use makeup a lot but i not

    Marwa Sayed

  7. I would wear my bare face to work, gym and even when my partner is around because its all about your confidence and feeling good from the inside :)

  8. I normally wear makeup everyday, even if it's just a bare minimum due to some hormonal skin issues, but I would consider skipping the makeup for my 2-day-a-week job as a childcare worker.
    In that environment the focus is not on your appearance and how made up you are to represent the company/organisation, the focus is the children, they love you for you and honestly wouldn't notice whether you had makeup on or not, which would give me confidence to forego it all!
