
July 12, 2013

One year old today....

Happy Birthday my sweet little Luca. I can't believe you are now 1 year old. Where has the time flown? You have grown from a chubby faced baby into a gorgeous little boy, with sparkling big brown eyes and an infectious smile. You're a happy little dragon and you make your parents very very happy. Even though you've only been with us for a year, I can't imagine life without you, and I don't remember life before you. Love you lots. xx
Photo from my Instagram

3 days old
Luca through the months

Happy birthday my gorgeous boy! xx


  1. I love the timeline photos showing his growth. Happy Birthday Luca. xx

    1. Thanks Kath, he has changed so much over this year, definitely lost his "baby-ness"! xx

  2. Happy birthday, Luca! xoxo
    Lilit, he is a beautiful boy. He'll make you proud! :)

  3. Happy Birthday, Luca! You're super-adorable and you just get cuter!

  4. Happy birthday beautiful boy! And great job mommy! :D

  5. Happy Birthday to Luca :) he has a gorgeous smile :)

  6. Oh Lilit, he looks like such a little boy now! He has a beautiful head full of hair, and girls will surely drown in those gorgeous big brown eyes when he's older! Happy first birthday, little man, lots of love Xx

  7. I was thinking wow, that has gone so fast...but he is about 10 weeks younger than Kiki and she turned 1 10 weeks ago so makes sense that he is 1!! He has become a gorgeous little boy! Happy birthday little man. Hope you ate lots of cake!

  8. Adorable! He's a very handsome, cute little thing! x

  9. Belated happy birthday to Luca! I can't believe it's already been a year! He's such an adorable and handsome little boy. :)
