
July 21, 2013

My son's 1st birthday party

As you may already know my son turned 1 year old last week. I know, where does the time fly! We had a small party for him at our place last Sunday for close family and friends.
It was very difficult getting him to smile!
Luca doesn't like crowds and can only handle the excitement for short periods of time, so I decided to have it over afternoon tea, and serve finger foods and sweets. I made most of the food except for a couple of things which my mum made and brought over.

Here are some of the things I made.
Mini tomato, tortelini, mozzarella and basil "kebabs" 
Strawberries and marshmallows 
Cake Pops - these were surprisingly easy to make, but just time consuming. It's cake rolled into a ball dipped in white chocolate then decorated with various things.

The theme of the party was Pocoyo as that's his favourite cartoon. Pocoyo is no longer shown on TV here in Australia but we watch it on YouTube... and yes, it's my favourite cartoon too! I had to order the decorations online from the US as I couldn't find Pocoyo themed anything here.

As for the cake, I'm very happy with the end result. I had it made at Cake Mania in Parramatta and I think they did a wonderful job of creating Pocoyo characters to sit atop the chocolate mud cake. Yummm... It cost $120 which seems a lot, but another lady had previously quoted me a price starting at $200 so I guess what I paid wasn't too bad.

Overall I think everyone had a great time. Luca enjoyed himself and loved hanging out with the other kids....

Opening presents was especially fun....

Until it started getting a bit too much....

But then he had his bottle...

And all was right with the world again...

Hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into our world :-)


  1. Adorable! I love Pocoyo too, you and he have great taste in television ;p Looks like he had a very lovely and memorable birthday :)

    1. I think some days I love Pocoyo more than he does, but whatever, he'll appreciate it when he grows up a bit more! :)

  2. How adorable! That cake pops look amazing :) good job having the patience to make them! I've tried before and failed haha yours look incredible!

    1. Thanks hun, they were definitely fiddly and took a while to make, but overall I was quite happy with it!

  3. Awwwwwwwwww! So cute! The sweets look amazing as well :)

  4. I have not seen this cartoon, need to watch it no, seems like you guys had a great time .. awesome pics :)

  5. Adorable baby, perfect bday.

  6. Aw, what a gorgeous family.
    Its lovely to get a little glimpse into your world.

  7. AW <3 looked like he had a lovely day! Afternoon tea is a great idea, cuts down on fancy catering and makes it easy for Luca :) x

    1. I didn't see the point in fancy catering yet as he's too young to appreciate it! I'll save it for when he's old enough to understand and enjoy himself! xx

  8. Oh he's so cute! My daughter loved Pocoyo when she was little.

  9. Nawwww!!! Cute!!! Happy birthday, Luca :) xx

  10. Such a cutie! I can't believe it's been a year now! Congrats and happy birthday! :)

  11. I LOVE this post so much! He is so gorgeous I could eat him. lol

    You did such a good job with the food. It all looks perfect!

    Happy Birthday, little Luca! <3

  12. OMG Lilit, what adorable and gorgeous photos! Congratulations to Luca and your family on his first birthday, I'm sure everyone had a great time and really appreciated the beautiful food that you made. Here's to many more wonderful and happy years!
