
May 16, 2013

SAX All Day & All Night Mascara review

I love mascaras. It's my desert island product. However I don't think I'll ever find, or even want to find, THE one for me as I love trying out new ones. One that I've been testing for the last few weeks is All Day & All Night mascara by SAX*.

Double cap for two different applicators

What's interesting about this mascara is that it has a double cap allowing for two different applicators; a natural applicator and a volume applicator.

If you take the wand out of the volume cap you get a lot of mascara imparted on the wand, thus coating your lashes with more mascara and creating volume. Whereas the natural cap is narrower so you only get a small amount of mascara on the wand, creating a more natural look. See the below image to see what I mean.

One mascara, two different looks
As much as I love mega thick and long lashes, sometimes a natural lash look looks better especially at daytime. This mascara is quite versatile as it is like having two products in one so it's also perfect for travel.

The colour that I have, Very Black, is actually a very dark glossy black. I'm just not a fan of anything but a deep black colour for my lashes, so this was perfect. An another bonus is that it doesn't make my lashes crunchy, yay! The only thing to watch out for is that when using the Volume applicator you may end up with clumps due to the sheer amount of mascara that ends up on the brush. So make sure you wipe some of the excess off on the cap before applying to your lashes.

RRP $19.95 AUD
For stockists see

What is your favourite mascara? Are you loyal to any particular mascara or do you, like me, like to try new ones all the time?

*Press sample


  1. This looks really interesting! I like how there is two different applicators. Saves having two different mascaras one for day and one for night :)

    Great review!


  2. Wow! It does make your lashes very noticeable and dramatic. xx

    Shang J.| The Feminine Crusade

  3. it gives super volume and lashes look beautiful.. :)

  4. Oooh, that mascara looks amazing on you (and you have really beautiful eyes, by the way). I haven't tried one like that (for two different looks), but I might just give it a go. My favourite at the moment would be MAC Opulash. :) x

  5. Looks like a great mascara! With double applicators, I've always seen reviews on how they're only a gimmick and the applicators just perform the same! Interesting to see that this one actually works. I like trying new mascaras, but I always end up buying L'Oreal Carbon Black Voluminous. :)

  6. it's beautiful on you! that's the look I love...xo

  7. Lilit, oh your lashes always look so glamorous and lush! Sigh, mine need a little help which is why I'm always searching for a great mascara. I don't mind Maybelline 'The Falsies' but it just doesn't thicken enough. I loved Rimmel Colosal waterproof as it made my lashes curly all day, however had to stop using it as it was too difficult to take off on a daily basis. I am currently trying Dior Blackout which seems ok.
