
May 27, 2013

My skincare journey

This post is sponsored by Nuffnang

When I was growing up, right up until my early 20s I had horrible acne. I would try to cover it up with the thickest, most full coverage foundation I could find at the time but of course it just made things look worse. Nothing like a mask-like coverage full of bumps under the surface.

I tried everything to get it to clear, various topical creams including Clearasil. While most of them worked on the surface to dry up my acne, it didn't stop them from coming back. The only thing that eventually helped me was to go on prescription only medication Roaccutane which cleared up my acne in about 6 months and stopped it from coming back.

In the midst of my acne-full days I also tried lots of different moisturisers, serums and cleansers hoping they'd help my acne, but I think they made things worse as I was forever trying out new things.

So when I finally did get clear skin I stopped trying new things all the time and stuck to safe and mild products, hardly ever changing my routine.You'll notice I hardly ever try or write about skincare products as I don't want to freak out my skin with new things all the time. For me skincare is about maintaining my current clear skin, rather than trying to achieve it.

So why am I here holding a tube of Clearasil? Isn't Clearasil only to help you get rid of pimples? Actually no. The new Clearasil Vitamins & Extracts Daily wash is there to help you maintain clear skin.

Maintain Clear Skin with Clearasil Vitamins & Extracts Daily Wash
Clearasil Vitamins & Extracts Daily Wash contains Pomegranate and Avocado extracts as well as Vitamin E which makes it gentle enough to use every day, while giving your skin a glow. Above all it promises not to leave skin over dried, which is very important for me as I already have dry skin. It's important to note that this particular Clearasil has less salicylic acid (the active ingredient for getting rid of pimples), which is also what can dry out skin. You can also use this as a face mask by applying to your face and leaving it on for 3 minutes before rinsing it off.

I'll be trying this out over the course of the next few weeks and I'll let you know how I go! Hopefully my skin will continue to behave and this won't cause it to freak out.

Clearasil Vitamins & Extracts Daily Wash RRP $10.99
More info about this wash is available from the Clearasil FB Page or website.

What's your skincare journey like? Are you happy with your skin or is there something you'd like to improve about it?


  1. I can't wait to see how this goes for you. It sounds great, hopefully it does help keep your skin in good condition :)


  2. Cant wait to hear how this goes for you.

  3. I tried this one too! It's quite good!
    Throughout my teens I had quite regular skin, but due to some hormonal changes I started getting adult acne some months ago.. It's been a struggle getting my skin back in balance! But I'm getting there :)

