
May 24, 2013

Friday's Letters #5

MAC RiRi Woo (image credit)
Dear Mac
Your recent make up collections have failed to impress me. Don't get me wrong, they've been pretty. But they've all been the same-same, you know? Similar shades in different packaging, with different names. But your collaboration with Rihanna caught my eye and yes I did end up buying the RiRi Woo lipstick online the other day. I can't wait to wear it. But I'm also waiting for you to release something unique. Kthxbai. 

Dear Maternity Clothing Advertisers
I don't get why all breastfeeding tops are advertised with pregnant women wearing them. I don't get it. If I'm breastfeeding, doesn't that mean I'm no longer pregnant?  *Scratches head*. 

Dear Illamasqua
You're my favourite makeup brand. You know it. But your latest collection Paranormal didn't really do it for me. Maybe I'm just getting old and no longer impressed with things like UV Glow nail polishes and acid bright pink eyeshadows. Or reminiscing about some of your previous, spectacular collections like the Toxic Nature one. Whatevs, I'm eagerly awaiting your next collection, whenever that may be as  I'm hoping that will impress me more. 

Dear salesperson at the local pharmacy You know when I came in this morning and you asked me if I needed help, and I said "no thank you, I know what I want" and walked straight to where the children's Panadols were and started looking for the right one for my baby? Well, that was your cue to leave me alone, not follow me to the pain relief isle and offer unhelpful suggestions, including telling me that the Panadol I wanted didn't come with a syringe applicator when it clearly did because I WAS HOLDING IT IN MY HAND. You really annoyed me. I hope that was your first day on the job and from now on realise that people don't like pushy sales assistants no matter where they are.

Dear Tine, 
Thank you for including me in your line up of gorgeous and talented bloggers in your last Bloggie Wednesday post. It was great reading everyone's answers to the questions "how has blogging helped you grow as a person". Thank you!


  1. totally agree with your letters to MAC and illamasqua!

    The last collection from MAC that made me go WOW! was their wonder woman collection, the packaging was just divine and i absolutely adore the blush from that collection. I bought Riri Woo too, mainly because i don't have Ruby Woo and its meant to be super similar :3 I was kind of annoyed that it was only launched online though and that it didn't come in the gorgeous rose gold packaging that was in the promo photos, that's probably for the december release but still.

    This Illamasqua collection is the first collection that had nothing i wanted :/

    à la foliee

    1. Oh re Illamasqua, seriously I have wanted at least one thing from every collection released but this particular one does absolutely nothing for me. Hope they do a better one next time! :)

  2. Trust me, it's possible to be pregnant and breastfeeding :) I get what you're saying though.

    1. Hehe, yes of course you're right! But you know what I mean. :)

  3. Seriously :( I can't find nice nursing tops and I don't need room for a bump!

    1. I gave up looking for a nice nursing top, the nice ones I found were over a $100 and frankly didn't think they were worth it. I just wore a lot of button down shirts, loose tops that could be pulled up, and layering. :)

  4. Mac collections never impress me. I guess maybe I have ridiculously high standards?
    Also, I know what you mean about pharmacy assistants like that - UGH. x

    1. Yeah, MAC is a bit too same-same for me now, I wish they took more risks! xo

  5. Hahaha! Loved the "Dear Maternity Clothing Advertisers". Love your Firday Letters :)

    1. Thanks! Yeah those nursing top ads still baffle me, in every single shop where they advertise nursing tops it's shown on a pregnant woman!
