
April 23, 2013

Work life balance?

I went back to work this week. As in my usual 9 to 5 corporate world day job. I'd taken 10 months off on maternity leave and boy did that time just fly! So how was it all? Hmmm... good and bad.

Good because let's face it, staying at home with a baby all day can get very tiring and monotonous, and you start craving adult conversations that do not involve nappies, mashed food or teething. Plus it's nice to be able to go to the bathroom on my own, drink coffee without the baby trying to pull the mug off my hands, and eat my food while it's still warm. Oh and of course the mental stimulation of doing something productive is welcome too.

Bad because, well isn't it obvious? I hate the thought of not having Luca with me all day. We're hardly ever apart, my little sidekick and I. And the poor little dragon (I call him dragon as he was born in the year of the Dragon) had a bit of a fever yesterday and today, so it was hard leaving him when he was clearly unwell. But he was being looked after by his grandmas so I knew he was in good hands. Still, I kept thinking about him all day and kept ringing home all day to check on him.
My favourite photo of the two of us

Oh and of course I have his photos up on my workstation which helps. 
Part of my workstation, dedicated fully to my little Luca - as posted to my Instagram (follow me HERE)

The main thing is we both survived the separation, and I'm only going to be working 3 days a week so it'll be a good balance to have. I'll still be able to feel like my normal self, but also get to spend a lot of time with my son and hopefully not miss out on too many of his milestones.

And where does blogging fit in with all of this? Nap times and after hours of course! I've always worked best when I've had a lot of things on my plate, and seriously after having a baby you start working even better and faster as your time management skills just improve. So I'll still be blogging away. At times my posting may slow down but I'll still be around so thank you for your continued support!



  1. I really admire working mums and the amount of things that they somehow manage to do in one day! I hope that I will be like that one day soon :-) can't wait to have my own little bundle of joy (gonna start trying next year). Your little boy is adorable btw!!

    1. Thanks hun, it's amazing how much faster you become at doing things when your free time is limited to baby's nap times. Good luck trying for your own little bundle of joy, your life will never be the same, but in a good way! :)

  2. Awww it must have been so hard to leave him behind on your first day back. I'm glad you get to have solitary loo breaks again ;)

  3. This is so cute! Love the photos.

  4. OMG! I had no idea you had a baby! congratulations! That just shows how long Ive been gone for lol! Beautiful! xxxx
    meredith (formerly msmadamemakeup)

    1. Thanks Mez, yes it has been THAT long! :)

  5. Gorgeous pics Lilit and congratulations to you and Luca for surviving this next important step! Take it one step at a time, and know that your loyal readers (subscribers?)are supporting you all the way! xoxoxooox

    1. Thanks hun, all good. The little dragon survived the separation and as long as he's good then I'm good! xo

  6. Luca is just too adorable <3 I have a little dragon, too! I only got two months maternity leave and I still want to cry when I drop my kitten off at daycare... I have to work full-time (40 hrs./wk), too :( Count your blessings! The US is not friendly to working mothers.

    1. No it is not. :-( The reason I'm having to wait at least a couple more years before trying for one, as I have no idea how we'll be able to figure out childcare during the work week. :-(

    2. Oh that's so horrible, Australia's not exactly the best in terms of maternity leave and childcare but we definitely seem to have it better than the US. Definitely counting my blessings ladies for being able to spend so much time with my little one. All the best to you both!

  7. Awww, I love your pictures, what a sweet little boy, no wonder it's hard to leave him while working! At least you only have to do 3 days a week, that sounds like small comfort now, but you'll get into the habit of things.

    1. Thanks Megan! Yes I think 3 days is a good balance so I can still spend majority of the week with my little boy :)

  8. What an adorable little guy! Wow, that's amazing that you were able to take that much time off! I hear ya on the craving adult conversation thing, though. haha. My husband work from home, and we have our three year old with us all the time, so there are days when we are going crazy not wanting to sing kiddie songs in our head and talk about something other than toddler things!

    1. I was lucky I was able to spread out my leave for a longer time by going half-pay, plus I had a lot of annual and long service leave saved up so I took them all at once hence m 10 months! Oh don't talk kiddy songs please, sometimes I find myself humming "the wheels on the bus" all day long! :)
