
April 07, 2013

Time for a haircut and hairstyle I'm loving

I'm off to get a haircut tomorrow. It's been oh, about 8 months since my last cut! While I love the current length it's gotten too, the reality is the ends are very unhealthy and full of split ends. Plus remember when I told you I was losing my hair after the birth of my son, well the hair loss has slowed down considerably and I have new hair growing now. But the thing with the new hair is that it doesn't blend in well with the rest of the longer hair and sticks out at odd angles, especially around my hairline.
My hair currently - dry and full of split ends 

So anyway, I've decided I need a new haircut and this below is the style I'm lusting after. It's not a great big change for me, but hopefully it'll be easier to style and will look neater. Basically I'm after an angled bob which I'll mainly wear wavy (curled with my ghd), with blunt ends and enough length to still allow me to tie it up if needed.

Image source here & here

Oh and to put a spanner in the works, my usual hairdresser has shut up shop so I'm trying a new salon. I tried getting people's recommendations for a new salon but most that were suggested to me were either in Surry Hills or Paddington (trendier areas of Sydney), and since I'm uncool and live in suburbia, I wanted a salon closer to home. The one I'm going to is close to home and looked nice from the few times I've walked past it. I found good reviews on it online, but I don't know anyone personally that's gone there so I'm kind of going in blindly so wish me luck! I'll check in after my haircut to let you know how it went!

PS: I need some recommendations of good hair products to try to hold the wave in my hair.

PPS: What do you think of the hair style I'm after?


  1. I have found that the best thing that holds a curl in my hair is the KMS Flex Style Spray. It is awesome!

    PS. Welcome to the short hair brigade! I think it is going to look great on you :)

    1. Thanks for the recommendation Tegan! I think the cut I want is similar to what you have, I'm stalking you! :)
      I'll keep a look out for the KMS spray.

  2. I had angled bob after having my lil doll it's the best haircut for bz moms.I use to wear it with curls and some time straight with a small updo at the crown can't wait to see you with new hair style :)

  3. Im obsessed with that style, everything about it, im ditching my pixie for it and already started the growing process

  4. I think it will look great! It's always so refreshing to have a good chop done :)

  5. I LOVE this hair style! I just wrote a post on cutting hair today actually - I went from waist length hair to above my collarbones! I am so for lobs and bobs! They are really fresh and sophisticated. I wear mine wavier with GHD curls and need something to hold it! Will be checking out the KMS spray, their stuff smells diviiiine X

  6. I love your hair!
    Much love,
