
April 11, 2013

Haircut update - again!

Firstly, thank you everyone for sharing your hairdresser horror stories in my last hair post. Some of your stories were real doozies, put my own hair misery to shame! That said, I got another haircut to fix up the dodgy job the previous guy had done. And yes, despite looking nice on the surface, the previous haircut was dodgy. When I washed it the next morning I noticed how uneven the ends were, with long bits hanging down the bottom. Photo of the dodgy bits is at the end of this post.

In the meantime I finally did get the angled bob I was after! I went to my mum's hairdresser the very next day as I just couldn't stand how bad the haircut was, and the fact that it was nowhere near what I had asked the previous guy to do. It is a tad bit shorter than I wanted, but that's fine it'll grow.
Angled bob worn straight or curly
And this is a photo of the back of the previous haircut. Look at how uneven the cut is, with one side noticeably longer than the other. No joke, but the lady that fixed up this cut actually asked me if I had cut it myself! I probably could have done a better job myself! And this hacked up job of a haircut cost me a lot of money at an "award winning" salon yet my mum's hairdresser charged me a third of the price to fix this all up. Who knows maybe I'll go to her again.
The previous dodgy cut with uneven ends

So thanks for listening to my previous rant, and thanks for sharing your hairdresser horror stories! If you have the time go back and read the other comments from that post, some of the stories will make you forget your own hair worries for sure!



  1. Looks awesome! Much better :)

    1. Thanks Nicole, I'm definitely happy with it!

  2. Love the new haircut! I get so annoyed when I get a bad haircut, particularly when I have been fussy and specific about what I want.

    1. Oh I know exactly what you mean! I know it's only hair and it'll grow, but when you're careful to give specific instructions and they still don't listen, that's what bugs me!

  3. Aw you look so cute! I have been wanting to see your haircut since you mentioned you are getting a bob. :)

  4. This looks like what I want to do when my hair grows <3

    1. Do it! It's very versatile as I can still wear it up if I'm feeling lazy :)

  5. you have a such beautiful face! any haircut will be nice...xoxo

  6. Absolutely stunning Lilit!!!! This cut looks so glossy and glamorous on you I'm glad that you were able to get it fixed. Go the no-frills salon that do just a good a job as super pricey ones:)

    1. Thanks hun, I'm definitely going back to this no-frills salon as they actually listened to me and gave me what I wanted xo
