
April 01, 2013

Easter mini-break

Hi all, I hope everyone had a great Easter and got to enjoy some time off. We just got back from a mini break with the family. We'd gone up to Sydney's northern beaches for the long weekend and had an absolutely wonderful time. Let me tell you that holidaying with an almost 9 month old is much much much easier than holidaying with a 5 month old. Luca loved being out and about every day, taking in new sights, meeting new people and trying new things (such as dipping his toes in the freezing water).

Despite taking my camera with me I didn't really take many photos, instead relied on my iPhone to capture favourite moments.
Some iPhone snaps - Top: enjoying mother/son moments. Bottom: the view from our room

I haven't had a chance to respond to any of my emails or comments, so if you're waiting on an email from me, it's coming, I promise :) First I need to get through the mountains and mountains of washing!

Back soon xo

PS: Can you believe Luca is almost 9 months old now? Crazy! Time sure does fly.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks hun, he's such a cheeky little monkey :)

  2. Beautiful pictures. Love his cheeky adorable smile. Time sure flies. My older daughter is 7 and my baby is 14 months. It is scary to think about it! Happy Easter!

    1. Happy Easter Mandy, I can't believe you have a 7 yr old! You don't look old enough :) Before I know it my little one will catch up with your babies xo

  3. Bubba is gorgeous! Your holiday sounds very relaxing x

    1. Thank you, it was very relaxing which was not expected with a baby in tow!

  4. Luca is adorable! It looks like you all had a lovely holiday too. :) XOXO~Emily

    1. Thanks Emily, we did have a lovely holiday xo

  5. Oh my gosh he is sooo adorable <3

  6. he's such a beautiful baby!! cannot believe he's so big already, i remember when you were posting your belly progress photos! c:

    à la foliee
