
March 15, 2013

Google Reader is shutting down - how to follow blogs now?

If you follow a lot of blogs (like I do!), then chances are that you use some kind of a reader to keep up to date with your favourite blogs. My reader of choice was Google Reader but yesterday Google announced on their blog that as of 1 July 2013 they will be shutting down this service. What does this mean for you? If you use Google Reader to follow blogs, you will need to find yourself another reader. My two other favourite ways of keeping up to date with blogs are Bloglovin' and Hellocotton.

Bloglovin'  has a clean user interface which is very easy to use. Once you sign up, just add your favourite blogs to follow and everytime there is a new post from your favourite blogger this post will show up on your Bloglovin' homepage. Alternately you can browse thousands of other blogs to find a new favourite. Bloglovin' also has the ability to import your existing subscriptions from Google Reader quickly and easily by clicking HERE

Hellocotton is another Reader that allows you to add your favourite blog to follow, but also allows you to discover the most popular blogs in categories of Beauty, Fashion, Food, etc. Hellocotton also has the ability to allow you to comment on the blog post right from the Hellocotton window.

To follow Makeup and Macaroons on Bloglovin' click HERE.
To follow Makeup and Macaroons on Hellocotton click HERE.

How do you follow blogs? 
Do you know of better Readers out there?


  1. I prefer Bloglovin', as it integrates well into the Chrome browser - a little button is next to the address bar telling me if there's any unread blog posts. Super handy! x

    1. Oooh that sounds handy! I might need to instal Chrome then! xx

  2. I'm using Blogger.. Is that the same as Google? So confused. I use Chrome daily.

  3. I really like bloglovin.. didn't know you could import from google reader so thanks for that!

    1. Yeah you can! I'm doing it right now. It's a bit slow, but at least I don't have to do anything besides click a couple of buttons :)

  4. Hmm, so what about the last few non-tech savvy dinosaurs, such as myself, who still actually read blogs on their Blogger dashboard?! Will that be affected too?

    1. Hi babe, at the moment it shouldn't be affected and blogs you follow will still show on the dashboard but it's best you get yourself onto a reader as I just don't know what Google will do next!

  5. Thanks for the info I have been stressing a bit over this!
    I will use BlogLovin more now I think. Why do they give us things and then when we start to use them they take them away.
    X Sakura

    1. Yeah I don't know what Google's up to, always removing things just as people start using them! First they got rid of the GFC widget for non-Blogger blogs, now getting rid of their reader. Well Bloglovin is pretty good, so Google's loss is their gain :)

  6. I decided to try some new apps. If interested, you can check it out on:

  7. Aw, this inhales vigorously! Everythig has to always change. I am a bread and water type of person so all these different following sites are...ehhh...Blahh! Thanks for confirming the end of service.

    1. LOL, you'll be fine, just inhale/exhale and you're ok!
      PS Google has been making far too many changes for my liking lately, hopefully they won't do anything bad to Blogger as I'd hate to have to move to another blogging platform. xx

  8. Replies
    1. I'm still getting used to Bloglovin, but it seems very easy to use!

  9. Great post, there was so much confusion over this on Twitter yesterday!

  10. This post is very helpful! Thank you Lilit!

  11. Such a helpful post, I didn't realise you could import :)

    Samantha xo | SamanthaLusts

  12. FYI - I just discovered that hellocotton is now kaput!

    1. Thanks for letting us know Anna! What's next, get rid of bloglovin'? Hope not!
