
February 03, 2013

NOTD - Illamasqua Scarce

Today's nail polish is from Illamasqua's latest collection called I'mperfecton. (Click HERE for my post on their launch event). All the polishes in that new collection are speckled, i.e. they have tiny bits of black glitter which look beautiful against the soft pastel shades. The effect actually reminds me of Easter eggs, and yes it does make me crave chocolate Easter eggs (the ones covered with thin sugar coating....mmm)  

The one I'm wearing today is Scarce*, which is a soft speckled pink shade. I'm not one for nail art, so this is the next best thing in jazzing up an otherwise plain pastel shade.
Illamasqua nail varnish in "Scarce"

Illamasqua nail varnish in "Scarce"

The speckled polishes in the new collection are somewhat sheer so 3 coats is required to get an opaque effect. Or alternately you can wear it over a cream/white base. I'm wearing 2 coats over a cream base in these photos. 

What do you think of the speckled mani? Yay or nay?

*PR Sample


  1. Awwww!!! Its so pretty pink <3 Loving it

  2. Definitely yay! I love it! *_*

  3. That nail varnish is so pretty, reminds me of something edible! Would love if you could come and check out my blog and follow back if you like it :) xxx

  4. I think this polish is absolutely beautiful! I have my eye on the lavender shade... Xx

  5. I've seen a few of these kind of nail polishes getting around. They're so lovely. Need to get my mitts on some - I especially love the baby pink with blue glitter in this one x

  6. wow, it's really pretty <3

  7. This is very unique and gorgeous! It reminds me of an egg. Really one of those polishes that look like you put extra special effort into the effect, but did not.

  8. Oooh, yay! Love a good creme with some glitter.

  9. I really like these types of nail polishes and the colours are so pretty. The only thing I don't like is how hard they are to remove usually

  10. This is so pretty and you're totally right, it does look like easter eggs.

  11. I want these nail polishes so badly!!! They look so pretty! Thanks for sharing ^_^

    "I" is for Isabel x
