
January 22, 2013

Why I hardly wear bright lipsticks anymore

Aahhh bright lipsticks, oh how I love them. But lately they've been gathering dust in my make up case, hardly being worn. Why? Luca! That's right, my 6 month old cheeky little boy sometimes gets too excited and grabby, and puts his little paws all over my face smearing the colour everywhere. Case in point.

Here's me wearing a bright lippy.
Wearing Elizabeth Arden lipstick in Coral Vibrations

Not long after I took this photo for the blog Luca decided he had enough of playing on his playmat and absolutely had to be carried in my arms. Right that second. Not a second later.

After I picked him up he decided he wanted to give me a hug. So he hugged me. On the face. With his little hand all over my nose and lips.

Then of course he decided enough with the hugging, must get off mummy's arms and get down on the playmat. Right now, this very second. So he pushed himself out of my arms, in the process smearing my lipstick all over my nose, my face, and my shoulder.

And his hand of course.

So now I mainly wear pale lipsticks, because Luca is yet to master the art of hugging.

But when he gives me a cheeky grin like this, do I care that he smudges my makeup? Not at all! Sorry bright lipsticks, you'll just have to wait.


  1. Aw!!! Luca is so adorable!! Hahhaha I saw your tweet and was thinking "why??!?!" so I clicked! So he's the reason why!

    It's okay Lilit, you rock all colours!

    1. Right now I'm rocking the no-lipstick look, as no matter what I do or wear Luca's paws are all over my face! LOL

  2. awwww!! cute pictures..
    luca is so cute baby
    looking those pictures just make me smile

    1. Thank you Camilla, he's my cute little koala bear, very adorable :)

  3. I hardly ever wear lipsticks when I had them babies!lol I can feel you , babies want to grab everything , so better not to be our lipstick!hahaha


    1. Yep, they do grab everything! Oh and hair, he always grabs my hair and pulls it! Aaggghh... but he'll soon grow out of this phase no doubt.


  4. He is absolutely gorgeous - you must be so proud :) definitely worth keeping the lipsticks waiting for :)


  5. Oh Luca is just gorgeous! A very happy looking baby. That last photo is just too cute :)

  6. WAY. TOO. CUTE!!

    When do I get to meet baby Luca? <3

    1. I should bring him to the next blogger event we go to! :)

  7. Yes. This is why I hardly wear bright lipsticks, too :)

    1. Never mind, they'll grow up so quickly, before we know it they'll be too old and refuse to be carried around :)

  8. What a little cutie! The photos of him "hugging" your face are priceless :) And wow, gorgeous mamma! When my son was 6 months old I never even had the inclination to wash my face, let alone wear lipstick! Although he's 4 now & I'm still the same, haha :)

  9. Ha ha that really made me chuckle! Love what you've got on your eyes!

  10. Gorgeous! Great reason too ;p

  11. Makeup is the last thing anyone cares about when you have that adorable bundle of cute xxx

  12. Yup, lol, kids love to touch your face :) I have started wearing stains around the kids

  13. Oh, what beautiful photos! And the same thing happens here; bright lippy is either smudged all over my face, or in the form of kiss marks all over his! So I still wear it, but more often than not its a paler colour {just fallen in love with MAC Creme Cup!} Xx

  14. This post is lovely. You have such an adorable boy!

  15. How gorgeous! Thanks for sharing these pics!

  16. He's gorgeous awwww im so broody, I really want another baby. My baby starts pre school in September :( x

  17. OMG Lilit,

    He is is sooooooo adorably cute and the photos are gorgeous! I'm sure it will be no time before you can relish the happiness of wearing that bright lippy again:)

  18. Hahhahah that is adorable!! Little brat! (in a good way :p)
