
November 02, 2012

Sephora available in Australia? OMG!

This is big news for beauty lovers in Australia! It seems like Sephora is now available for us to purchase from right here in Australia. 

Image source

It's through which is a concierge type service that has quite a few international retailers on their books that don't ship directly to Australia. Before your eyes glaze over, unlike other concierge type services, this one looks very easy to use due to its design which is made to look just like an online shop. This is what their "about us" page says.

"Many of our partners don’t have outlets in Australia, or ship here, but now you can access the products you want from an array of retailers, all in a single checkout. 

By pooling the offers of international retailers, Tarazz makes it easy to buy the products you want. 

Our unique concierge platform allows you to buy from multiple retailers and have it shipped direct to you, using our trusted shipping partner Australia Post."

I first found out about it through a middle of the night tweet from Miss Fancye (thanks hun!).  I haven't shopped from there yet so I cannot give you my personal recommendation of the site or service, but it was too big a news for me not to share with you all straight away. But don't worry, I'll be putting in a small order soon in the name of research and I'll update you to let you know how it goes.

Here are all the stores available to purchase from

I did a quick browse of the website and I don't think the full range is available from every store, and shipping costs do add up, but it's still a good start especially for lovers of Sephora! As I said, I will be putting an order through them and will let you know how it all goes. But if you've already bought anything from tarazz please share your experiences here!

Who's excited about being able to purchase from Sephora?


  1. /raises hand
    For a second, I was kind of hoping that you meant that there was an actual Sephora store here. :P
    I'll definitely be checking that site out!

    1. Oh I was so hoping there was a store here too, but at least it's something right? :)

  2. Why is Sephora in south Asia and not in Australia? We only JUST got topshop...gahhhh..Good thing I will be in Malaysia/Singapore next month :)

  3. So exciting! But shipping will probably be a bomb D:

  4. i added a few things to my cart last night and shipping was ridiculous!!
    $30 to ship an eyeshadow palette?
    it was costing me around $70 to ship 3 items.
    I'm not so sure if it's worth it. Biggest anti climax ever :(

    1. That was so depressing, why do they have to go by a per item cost, rather that combined postage. I wanted 3 lipsticks, but it was charging $65 to ship - more than the products themselves!

    2. I also had this problem! I was so, so excited. I had a cart with 4 products and it was over $60 shipping.

    3. Oh what a shame :( Maybe it's because of the double handling (i.e. the concierge service) it costs so much.

    4. you should check out

      They ship everything that you could get in America. I totally agree with the shipping of Tazzle being bonkers. They don't even have a good selection! :(

  5. Hey Lilit! thank you so much for your comment on my blog, it's so good to discover another Armenian blogger as well! I haven't encountered any either so it's pretty exciting haha

    great news about sephora! I used to live in Dubai so I was used to having it around and it's one of the things I miss from there

    Loving your blog, stay in touch xx

  6. Very cool, good for you! I wish there were something like this in Canada! Lots of places don't ship here either which is very frustrating since it's usually from the US anyways, and we're RIGHT HERE! LOL

    1. Pretty sure the US online version of Sephora offers more product options than some of the in-country distributors. I know you can ship it cheap from the states with a parcel forwarding service. I recommend, that way you can combine a bunch of stuff together. Best of luck!

  7. Ick. They don't really sell even a small amount of Sephora's actual products. They have like.. no inventory. Only one product for Lorac? Really? I am already using So far so good. They are SUPER nice and ship quickly. Plus, they ship MAC and Ulta products as well. :D

    I love my makeup!!!

    1. Amber, you should just shop from the American sephora site and use a parcel forwarding service to ship. I know ships to Canada and Australia. The US site has all the inventory so it's a much broader selection :)

  8. I found a seller on Facebook who can get Cosmetic Products From Sephora, Ulta etc.
