
October 30, 2012

She's so... Jetset! by Benefit


In our carefree, childfree days the husband and I used to travel quite a lot. So it goes without saying that I became quite good at packing my suitcase. I pretty much always took just the right amount of clothes and shoes to allow me to have a few changes of outfits and still leave space for lots of shopping. But this good packing skill does not extend to my makeup bag.

For example on a short European trip I took 16 lipsticks with me! That's right. Sixteen lipsticks. Five of them were red. How many lipsticks do you think I actually used? One. Revlon Pink Pout, as seen in the below pic.
My standard holiday look... Revlon Pink Pout lippie, large sunnies, bright earrings.

Oh and once, only once, I actually wore one of the 5 red lippies that I took... can I just add though, wearing red lipstick while eating crustaceans is not a good idea!
Hands up who else loves mussels!

I won't even mention how many eyeshadows and blushes I took with me which remained unused. So as you gathered I'm quite hopeless when it comes to packing makeup for travel, which is why something like this kit from the Benefit 2012 Holiday collection would have been perfect for me.

Benefit She's So Jetset Holiday 2012 collection

The kit comes in a sturdy cardboard box with a decent sized mirror under the lid and includes:
· 4 eyeshadows – Champagne Please, Gold Card, Pretty In Mink, Elegant Espresso
· Porefessonal balm – 7.5ml
· First Class Face Powder/Blush
· They’re Real Mascara – 4gr (I'm wearing the mascara in THIS post)
· Life On The A List lipgloss – 5.2 ml
· Mini blush brush & sponge tipped applicator

Swatches from the She's So Jetset palette
The eyeshadow colours are lovely neutral shades that can take you from day to night. The lipgloss is a perfect pale creamy pink for everyday wear, and the mini sized tube of mascara will last you a 3-4 week holiday for sure! The blush might be too light for those with a darker complexion (in fact it’s quite light even on my NC25 skintone), but it can be used as a highlight powder instead as it has some sheen to it. The only thing missing from this kit is a mini-eyeliner. That would definitely have made this a perfect travel kit.

In Australia this retails for AUD $89 at Myer.

What do you think of this palette? Is this enough for you to take on holidays or would you need more products (not including foundation)?

*PR sample provided for consideration


  1. I LOVE this set... It looks like it's perfect for travelling (lucky, because that's what it's aimed for!!).. I'm the same when travelling.. always pack too much makeup..
    Cannot bring myself to buy this here though - might be something I'll add to the shopping list when in USA next year! (If it's still available!)..

    1. I know what you mean about not getting this here as it is almost double what it sells for in the US unfortunately. Hope you do manage to find it next year then, if not I'm sure there'll be lots of other goodies to buy!

  2. What a shame about the no eyeliner, that would have been so perfect! Otherwise, it's a great little kit! I may invest in this, as I'm always overpacking my makeup as well! (Although not sure I'd go to the extend of 16 hehehe but who knows!)
    Thanks for sharing ! :)

    1. LOL yes I did go overboard with those 16 lippies!

  3. 16 lipsticks??? Wow, I think I take 3 when I go away: a nude, a pinky nude and a bright, plus a couple of glosses and I'm covered. I really like the look of this palette, although I would have to bring a bright lippie for date nights!!

    1. I was just very indecisive with the lippies, LOL. Not to mention all the new lippies I added on my travels. I completely agree though, a bright lippie for date nights is def needed!

  4. This set looks nice :) I always over pack too. I like the lip gloss a lot!

    1. I'm not really a lipgloss girl but this one is just lovely, and it's not too sticky either :)

  5. Looks like a great kit! And whoa...16 lipsticks?!! Well that totally sounds like something I would do too!! HA

  6. this palette looks gorgeous hon!And really only one??you remind me I take a ton with me and use only one!!thats right..women..what can you say??lol


  7. This is a very handy set to have on hand, when traveling. I love the eyeshadows! Thanks for sharing, Lilit :)

  8. That is so cute!!!! I loved it!!! :)

  9. Aargh I want it, this palette was made for me!
