
October 03, 2012

Recipe - Quick and easy coffee & almond cookies

I have a confession to make. I can't follow recipes. Not that I don't know how to follow recipes. It's just that I always end up substituting ingredients, adding bits, taking off bits. Sometimes it works great (like when I made my Olive & Rosemary bread), and sometimes not so great.

Anyway the point is yesterday I felt like some kind of a sweet treat, similar to almond amaretti cookies, and after looking at many recipes I chopped and changed and ended up with the following recipe. I'm happy to say they turned out great! I'll definitely be making these again, especially since they're relatively low in fat and carbs and took less than 30 minutes start to finish
Bite sized coffee & almond cookies... nom nom nom

1 cup almond flour (also known as almond meal)
1 cup plain flour
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
1 egg
4 teaspoons of butter at room temperature (about 25grams)
2  drops of coffee essence
Optional - coarse brown sugar 3tbs to sprinkle over the top

How to
- Combine all ingredients together in a bowl
- Mix with a spatula or a spoon until combined and you have a sticky dough
- Roll into 3cm balls (you may need to add some more flour if the dough is too sticky)
- Optional - sprinkle coarse brown sugar on top
- Bake for 15 mins at 200C (400F) - rotate sheet from front to back half way through baking
- Makes 20 bite sized cookies

How do the turn out?
Hard & crusty on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside.
Nom nom nom.



  1. Yum! Love the crunchy sugar on top :)

  2. Oh yum! I am SO going to make these!! Xx

  3. OMG Lilit the look so yum n am reading this just after my dinner and I so wanna have a sweet treat now ..

  4. Those look so yum! Going to give them a try... Almond and coffee, perfect combo!
