
October 16, 2012

MAC Marilyn Monroe Lipstick in Love Goddess

MAC Love Goddess

The other day I had to put in an order for a few MAC staples that I'd ran out of (more on that later) when I noticed that the AUS MAC website had started selling the Marilyn Monroe collection. To be quite honest not much really caught my eye except for the lipstick in Love Goddess.

Love Goddess is a satin formula, which is slightly less drying than the matte formula but is equally long lasting. It's quite opaque and one swipe is all that's needed for an even coverage no matter how pigmented your natural lip colour. It's best that you moisturise your lips before applying this lipstick as it has a tendency to emphasise dryness.

The colour is described by MAC as a mid toned pink red and I'd have to agree with that. It's bright but more toned down. It's definitely a grown up colour which looks different depending on lighting conditions as per my lip swatches below.
Swatches of MAC Love Goddess lipstick in different lighting conditions

If you've been eyeing off this colour but are too scared to try it, why not check out my post five tips for wearing bright lipsticks.

Have you bought anything from the MAC Marilyn Monroe collection? 
Are you going to?


  1. Good for you Lilit! I went to buy this instore and it was sold out! Such a beautiful lippy - I bought Charmed I'm Sure as my consolation shade :)

    1. Oh wow, sold out already? That was quick! Charmed I'm sure is a lovely shade, looking forward to your review!

  2. Looks beautiful on you Lilit, a very 'you' shade indeed. I skipped over this collection, nothing captured me enough to hand over my card for.

    1. Haha yes it is a "Me" shade isn't it! I think you've done enough hauling at IMATS so good thing you saved your money on this collection then!

  3. I almost broke my shopping ban for Love Goddess and Scarlet Ibis but decided they were too similar to Impassioned and Lady Danger. Regretting that a little now as Love Goddess looks so pretty on you.

    1. OH i thought that Love Goddess would be similar to Impassioned as well but they're very different. LG is darker and pinker but it's not totally unique so don't feel bad if you didn't get it.

  4. I love this lipstick too! It was the only thing I picked up from the collection! I haven't had a chance to wear it yet - I can't wait though!

  5. Wow, it's so dramatic! I love the packaging too.

    Sarah x

  6. Looks lovely on you, I grabbed this and Charmed Im Sure and love them both, nearly skipped Love Goddess but really glad I didnt
