
September 17, 2012

Life lately....

If there is one word to describe my life lately it would be "Luca". That's right, my 2 month old son.

It's amazing how all consuming having a newborn baby is. Time is going so fast yet so slow at the same time. It seems like between nursing, burping, nappy changing and settling there's hardly any time for anything else. Multitasking is my new middle name - I can easily rock the baby to sleep while having breakfast, blogging and applying my make up at the same time.

Things are getting much easier now except on growth spurt days when Luca turns into a clingy little monkey who wants to eat all day long and MUST. BE. CARRIED. IN. MY. ARMS. ONLY. A baby carrier won't do. And neither will a sling. And don't even think about putting him down in his bassinet or rocking chair thingy. But everything is made better because he can smile, coo and say aagoo - aagoo. And he's starting to take an interest in toys. Yeay, that means hopefully he won't need me to entertain him all the time. We'll leave the entertaining to his toy monkey.

Three random facts about life with a newborn
  • Breastfeeding is hard, like really hard. Yeah sure, it's natural, but it doesn't happen naturally and you must learn how to do it properly. Or forever scream in pain.
  • It's amazing how often you talk and think about baby poop - as in, he hasn't pooped today, is he constipated? His poop today was massive, it was the motherload! Geez I hope there'll be no leakage through the nappy. 
  • Going to the toilet when you want to is a luxury. You must learn to hold it in. Sometimes for hours at a time. That. Is. All.

So, anything exciting in your life lately?


  1. I love this post, you've summed it all up so beautifully {and accurately!}. The photos are divine, especially the one of the two of you together. Kudos to you, Mama -- you're doing a wonderful job :) Xx

    1. Thanks hun, I love how we're pretty much going through things together at the same time. Xo

  2. I'm so happy for you! You and Luca look lovely :)

  3. Aww Lilit, this is such a beautiful post. It truly made me smile, he is so precious. Thank you for sharing, the photo of thr two of you is fantastic.

    Haha, and that is so true about the facts about life with a newborn. You are so funny. :)

  4. You look great and so does Luca .. Lovely pics .. and great facts :).. beautiful post ..

  5. Oh my, Luca is so cute and lovely >.<
    Thank you for sharing this with us, Lilit :D

  6. oh so cute!

    I did go through this phase and it was really hard for me.. blogging was out of the ques! hehe.. but its all relaxing now and Mr. Baby turned a year today!

    1. Aaww happy birthday to your little one! I'm glad things have gotten better and more relaxing now, something to look forward to! :)

  7. He's just beautiful Lilit and I love the first photo of you two together! One look at him smiling and I'm sure all the niggles melt away - it brings back lots of lovely memories of when mine was a bub :) xo

    1. Yep, all tiredness disappears once he's smiling :)

  8. Luca is just gorgeous! I love these posts it feels like we are watching him grow up :)

  9. thanks for sharing this with us, this post is so warm and luca is so cute :-D

  10. Beautiful boy!
    BFing IS hard, and it can hurt but then one day it doesn't and you thankfully forget how hard it was because its quite lovely to look down at your baby while you feed and know, only you could do this. :)
    My brother uses the phrase for super baby poos... Poonami, yep like a tidal wave of it!

    1. Bahaha, poonami! I love it. Will definitely be using that from now on! :-)

  11. Poop consumes your thoughts doesn't it? Haha Luca is adorable! Xo

    1. Oh I know! I keep telling everyone that will listen how big his poops are and how smelly his farts. Ahhh motherhood :-)

  12. Luca is so beautiful, I'm in love with him! Amazing how life changes when a little baby is born but I can tell he's brought you nothing but joy and you look beautiful as ever, don't know how you do it!

  13. Aww, Lilit isn't he the most adoreable thing! He is just so precious! I completely understand the breastfeeding thing. It IS really hard- harder than labour, the whole pregnancy... I'm glad you've got it under control now. Dominic and I are still learning- resulting in me bursting into tears at 4am wondering why he won't latch :( I'm so happy you are happy. You're such a beautiful mummy. Luca is so lucky! xoxo

  14. o u o We salute you. THAT is all.

  15. Aww... Isn't he just the most adorable baby and you the most beautiful Mum?! I love your honesty about motherhood. SO refreshing!

  16. lol Love this post, Lilit!

    Luca is an asbolute cutie pie. Look at that chubby chin! <3
