
September 20, 2012

DIY round up #2 - the photography edition

This really shouldn't even be called a DIY Round Up, as it's more like a round up of my favourite photography related tips and tutorials. Whether you're an amateur or a seasoned photographer, hope these sites will be useful to you!
I'm an amateur and my camera is a Canon G12

1. A bit of everything
Zoella has a great post on blog photography, full of useful tips and hints on everything from composition to editing. 
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2. Using the manual features of your camera
This post on Little Miss Momma called "10 Steps to Taking Your Camera Off Auto" is perfect for when you want to use more of the manual features of your camera but are too scared to!
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3. For beauty bloggers
For the beauty bloggers out there, 15 Minute Beauty has a great post on Swatching & Post Processing for beauty blog posts.
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4. For best online photo editors
Kaye from Beautiful Kayekie has done two fabulous posts on Best Online Photo Editors. Part 1 is HERE and Part 2 is HERE.
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5. What not to do
A Beautiful Mess has a fantastic post on 10 things not to do in photography. Definitely worth checking out.
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Hope you enjoyed this round up, and let me know if you have any photography tips to share!


  1. Aww thank you Lilit for featuring my best online photo editors post! I'm glad you really found it helpful. :D

  2. Wow great sum up Lilit .. Would be very helpful .. thanks for the post .. btw really liked ur pic :) <3

    1. Thanks hun, glad you found it helpful. :)

  3. Thank you for this! I've had my DLSR for nearly two years now and have only ever taken ONE manual photo! I know, it's disgraceful! Xx

    1. Oh shame on you E, letting your DSLR go to waste. Now you have no excuses, Little Miss Momma's tips are made for you! :)

  4. Thanks so much for this. As a beginner I really appreciate when others share their tips and tricks!!

  5. <3 Lovely round of of tips. Very useful.

    1. Thanks hun, and hope you've sorted out your camera problems :)

  6. Love these! And love you for doing a wonderful round up! :) I love photography! And am nagging my husband every second his awake to buy me a dslr!
    Hope you and your adorable Luca are well!

  7. Thank you for featuring my post! I hadn't seen a few of the others before and they're really helpful!

    1. You're welcome Christine, I loved your post :-)

  8. Thank you! This was really helpful. :)
