
August 23, 2012

6 weeks today

Oh how time flies....

It feels like only yesterday that I announced on this blog that I was expecting a baby.
It feels like only yesterday when we found out we were having a boy.
It feels like only yesterday I was complaining of my discomfort at 40 weeks pregnant.
It feels like only yesterday that Luca was born at 40 weeks and 3 days.

Luca at 3 weeks old
Luca at 6 weeks old giving one of his first crooked smiles

And today Luca is 6 weeks old.

I won't lie, these past few weeks have been incredibly hard. I've cried more times than I care to admit. I've gone through most days feeling like I'm living in a fog. I'm now beyond exhaustion, to the point where sleeping for 5 hours a night feels like a sleep in. But I wouldn't trade it in for anything because when he gives a crooked, squinty eyed, nose scrunched up smile nothing else matters but him.


  1. There is no feeling like it in the world. For all the negatives, it is so so worth it and i'd do it all over again. Enjoy, even through the hormones and sleep deprivation ;) xx

    1. Don't talk to me about the hormones! LOL. I'm blaming all my tears on those darn hormones! But yes, definitely worth it :)

  2. What a beautiful little boy! I hope you manage to get some rest soon xoxo

  3. awwwww.. what a beautiful post Lilit .. loadsa love to baby Luca ..

  4. Absolutely beautiful, Mummy! Happy six weeks Luca! :)

    1. Thanks Kaye! I can't believe how quickly time flies! :)

  5. Wow congratulations, he's adorable! :)

  6. What a cute lil boy! Don't worry, the sleep thing gets better! Xo

  7. He is gorgeous :) I'm sorry you've been feeling a bit's super common so just make sure you're taking time to care for yourself too. You'll be a much happier mum and Luca will be happier too. xx

  8. Oh goodness, he is absolutely precious! Congratulations on 6 weeks with your beautiful boy, good luck and well wishes as you continue adapting.

  9. He's delish! I know what you're going through, it's definitely a process but like you said, completely worth it *hugs*

  10. i know that now it seems hard, but trust me when i say that when you look back this will be the time of your life :-D
    enjoy it, your luca is such a cute boy, wish all the luck to both of you <3

  11. What a cute baby! I loved this post Lilit!! He's so precious :) x
