
July 09, 2012

40 weeks, 2 days and I'm still here

Today I'm 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Yep, that means the baby is 2 days past his due date and still no sign that he wants to make his appearance in the world. I am now completely over being pregnant and no longer freaked out about the impending labour and delivery process. In fact with every pain I keep hoping this is it! But no, still here.

As much as I love being pregnant, these last 3 weeks have been a drag. Especially since I've pretty much been confined to the house the whole time I've been on mat leave.

Remember how on day 1 of my maternity leave I injured my pelvis and couldn't walk for a while? Well I can walk now, but I don't trust myself to drive in case my swollen feet aren't fast enough to react to any emergency driving situations. With the husband at work during the day on weekdays and public transport not exactly the most reliable thing around I've been stuck at home most of the time.

On the plus side I have managed to draft a few blog posts in advance so I can schedule them for posting during the first month with bub while I figure out some kind of a routine. 

Here's my belly today at 40.2 weeks. In case you think it looks smaller than 2 weeks ago, that's because it is. At my last check up I'd lost a kilo and a bit, and the baby's head is engaged so there isn't much more of him sticking out. In total I gained 15kg during the pregnancy which isn't too bad I guess. About 4kg of it is the bub (that chunky little monkey!), the rest is me... and cheesecake.

Top 5 things I'm looking forward to after the bub is born (besides having the baby of course!)
- Being able to sleep on my stomach
- Being able to get out of bed without having to roll on my side first 
- Being able to eat sashimi and smoked salmon
- Being able to walk without going breathless after 10 meters
- Being able to wear waist belts!

And here are some pics of the nursery, especially for Anni from Haute and Stylish who is expecting her first baby in a few months. There're still things I want to do to it, but that'll be later when bub's home and I can think clearly what I want to do.

If you've made it this far, then please have your fingers crossed for me that I'll have the baby soon.

Next post is beauty related, I promise :-)


  1. Oh wow, you look great! Even though you are overdue!
    Hope that bubba is here soon, and that everything goes smoothly for the both of you!

    Sharleena xx

    1. Thanks hun, well I am pretty much bored at home so have all the time in the world to pretty myself up... and then stay home all day without much to do.
      Yep, I'm hoping it's soon too!

  2. my friend is pragnant too - also some days pass the due ... so she is in the same mood like you are ... and it's so hot in austria ... we are getting crazy (without being pregnent!)
    the room is so lovely!!!

    1. At least it's not hot here, I don't think I could handle it if I had to put up with the heat as well :)

  3. good luck! hope everything goes well for both you and bub (:

    emma x

  4. So cute! I'm so excited for you! :)
    Baby's room looks adorable... Hoping he arrives soon! :)

  5. Awwww the room is adorable! Can't wait to see pictures of the little bub! Is the name a secret for the little one? Have you decided or not? :D I'm excited for you!

    1. We're not telling anyone the name yet just in case when he's born we decide he looks nothing like the name we have in mind and end up changing it, so we'll just keep it a secret till he's born! :)

  6. I was 12 days late :) I hope you won't wait that long and the bubba is here really soon. You look beautiful and the baby's room is lovely. Good luck x

    1. Ooh that would have been such a drag for you, 12 days late! I don't think I can wait that long. xo

  7. You look great Lilit .. Hope that the baby arrives soon .. the room looks great :)
    Good Luck ..

  8. Boys are turds...they never want to leave their mothers!! Mine got forcefully evicted at 41+3 - and he still clung on for deal life so had to be removed through the sunroof! I swear I'd still be pregnant now with him if I wasnt induced/caesared! Though I had a girl next and I was sure she'd come early...she did by 1 day but that was only because i needed another caesar. I was told she was no where near engaged so I'm sure she'd have been in for another week or so had she been allowed!

    1. LOL, yeah I've heard boys have a habit of clinging to their mums. I just can't wait that long and I'm hoping he'll come soon so I don't have to have him forcibly removed. Anyway he's only 2 days late, that's hardly being late is it... that's like a margin of error in calculations. :)

  9. Wow, what a beautiful nursery! I am sure that Anni loved the pictures! xx

  10. I hope they next post is NOT about makeup/beauty! I hope the next post is to tell us all that bubby boy has arrived. Good luck, wishing you the most calm and glorious experience possible. The nursery looks just gorgeous, so beautifully done.

    1. LOL, the next post is actually already scheduled to go in a couple of days and is beauty related, but the one after that better be one saying the bub's here!

  11. You know what they say... Pregnancy is 9 months plus a year!
    Good luck with your birth, and congratulations!
    Makeup by Rachel

  12. The nursery is beautiful and the shoes are so cute!
    I really hope you'll be able to meet your baby really really soon :D

  13. Oh why a lovely nursery!
    I looked forward to sleeping on my tummy after birth too but it feels weird now! Hope you don't go too far past your date! Xo

    1. I bet it will feel strange not having this big fat stomach in front of me soon, but I'm looking forward to it :)

  14. My bub was also late by about 9 days before he was forcibly removed by cesarean. I worked right up until the last day before my surgery, always telling my co-workers not to worry - that he wasn't coming out if he had a choice in the matter!

    The nursery is lovely - especially the safari mobile!

    1. I've noticed a trend here, boys seem to not want to come out and have to be forcibly removed! LOL. Well I'm hoping my little one will be here soon on his own.

  15. Still gorgeous :) And the nursery is adorable I bet your getting so antsy to meet the little guy!

    1. Aww thank you, and yep definitely getting antsy now!

  16. I was a week over due, and they wanted to schedule a induction. I said no because, my body knows what its doing. Since the beginning on time, women have been able to give birth without the irritation on induction. Your body will not make a baby and not know how to deliver it. Finally on day 41 weeks, I went into labor all by myself, at my own time. The baby was 8 pounds. Big, but worth the pain. Trust your body. Don't let them talk you into anything your not comfortable with. Good luck hun!

    1. That's what I keep telling myself too, that the little one will come out when he's ready. I just hope he's ready soon!

  17. You're still looking gorgeous Lilit. I was overdue too and took great cheeky delight in shocking strangers who asked, "When are you due?" with "Last week!!" I did end up being induced but it turned out I was already 3cm dilated and didn't even know!!! Not long now and it'll be so magical when you finally meet your little boy! xoxoxo

    1. Thanks Vita! At my last week's check up I was already 2cm dilated so who knows maybe things are happening down there, just very very slowly! xo

  18. I have my fingers crossed that he comes soon for you!! Just remind yourself that he is cooking nice and long so he will be big and strong! =) (maybe not too big though ;)

    Best wishes to you!


    1. Yep, definitely not too big thanks! Although both my husband and I were big babies, so who knows it's probably in his genes. :)

  19. Aww Good Luck with a successful labor! The baby's room looks super adorable!

  20. You look gorgeous. Hope it all goes smoothly for you!!

    -Anna (37w2d pregnant!)

    1. Thank you, and good luck with your pregnancy too!

  21. Aw, your baby is too comfortable in your tummy. <3
    I definitely have my fingers crossed.
    Best wishes <3 <3 <3

  22. Well good luck and I hope he makes his appearance soon. You are very organised to have made up posts in advance. One less thing for you to think about in the coming busy months.
    Funnily enough those were my top 5 things I was looking forward to after the birth of my daughter too hee hee :)

  23. That is so nice to see you.Grandma on twitter is here for advice lol

  24. Well then you must be real excited of how the little fella in there will turn out to be!!! I really hope your delivery goes well!!! And before you know it, you'll have a baby on your arm while eating a lot of smoked salmon haha!!/Azure

  25. Wishing you all the best for your little one to arrive safely in the world... SOON :)

  26. Aww so exciting, the nursery looks adorable!! I hope he comes SOON!

  27. Good luck with everything, you look absolutely amazing, I don't know how you manage it! That nursery is so cute!!!

  28. Oh Lilit you look gorgeous! I understand what you mean about missing sleeping on your belly - had the same problem with my broken arm. Hopefully you get some restful and comfortable rest soon - but with a new baby I kind of doubt that ;)

    P.S. Baby shoes = massive awwwwwwww!

  29. Wow...I just realized that we've basically gone through this pregnancy with you (not LITERALLY but i've been reading your blog since before you got pregnant and now here we are!) You and the nursery look great!

  30. Oh Lilit your nursery is GORGEOUS! And you are gorgeous and look amazing! I really wish I look like you at 40 weeks- that'd be my dream! I'm so excited for you! :D
