
June 10, 2012

My super simple skincare routine

After I posted this FOTD I received quite a few enquiries about my skincare routine as my skin looked smooth. Firstly thank you! My skin isn't that smooth and makeup goes a long way in hiding any imperfections, and secondly my skincare routine is very very simple and definitely not expensive.

A bit about my skin 
When I was younger I had quite bad acne so around the age of 20 a dermatologist put me on Roaccuatane medication. For 6 months I put up with the side effects which included extremely dry & sensitive skin, dry sore eyes and constantly chapped lips. But afterwards my acne cleared and never returned except for the occasional breakout around that time of month.

My skin is usually normal to dry, although at the beginning of my pregnancy it became extremely dry and flaky. I still have flaky patches around my nose and forehead area which I'll need to be careful to hydrate, especially with the colder weather ahead of us here in Australia. I've got some moles and spots on my face and have also started developing crows feet around my eyes, but overall I'm happy with my skin.

So here are the products that I use in my skincare routine... nothing more, nothing less. I also don't get facials (the one time I did get one I reacted horribly) and my philosophy when it comes to skincare is less is definitely more.

Cleanse and makeup removal

Dermaveen Soap Free wash - $15 for a 500ml tub at pharmacies
I started using this when I went on Roaccutane as it's a gentle cleanser that doesn't strip skin of natural oils. It removes my makeup without any problems, and most importantly it doesn't leave my skin feeling tight after washing. It's the only product I have been using to cleanse my skin since I was about 20. The only time I use anything different is if I'm feeling lazy and just use a makeup remover wipe (by Simple) to cleanse at night.


Day: Moo Goo Full Cream moisturiser for fussy skin - $19.95 for 75ml at health food shops
I discovered this moisturiser late last year and have been using it religiously every morning since then. It's quite lightweight, has a lovely milk and honey smell, does not cause any breakouts and it's very budget friendly. Plus I love its tongue in cheek name. Prior to using this I was using QV Daytime Moisturiser ($15) but found it too heavy for my skin.

Night: Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate $59 for 30ml at Kiehl's counters
I won this in a competition and it's the only thing I use at night. Two drops is all that's needed to cover my face, and despite being a serum it soaks into my skin very quickly and doesn't leave it looking and feeling oily. Plus I love the calming scent of Lavender and Evening Primrose Oils. Prior to using this I'd been using either QV Nighttime Moisturiser ($15) or Bio Oil ($15) at nighttime.


I either make my own or use St Ives Moisturising Olive scrub ($10 from Priceline) as it feels very gentle on my dry skin. I use it once, maybe twice a week. Most people I know go for the St Ives Apricot scrub, but I find the Olive scrub much more friendly on my dry skin.

I also occasionally make my own face masks out of honey and oats, but that's about it. 

But wait... what's this?
And here's a sneak peek at another product I've just started using... more on that after I've used it for a few weeks so I can give you my informed opinion. All I will say now is it costs less than $10 and I look forward to using it each morning.
kuu konjac sponge for dry skin

Do you keep your skincare simple or have you got a well established routine in place?


  1. Moo Goo! What a great name :) you do have a simple routine. Thanks for sharing it with us! My routine is very simple also. I think I would get overwhelmed trying to use too many products!

    1. I love MooGoo, all their advertising is tongue in cheek too but hey it works so can't complain!

  2. I bought Dermaveen after reading your first skincare post and I love it too! :) I've been using it with a muslin cloth and it's wonderful.
    I bought a really large bottle on special so I need to find something to decant it into.

    1. Oh I'm so glad you love it, it's very gentle and I love how cheap it is. Last time I bought the 1L bottle for $19.95 and just decanted it in the old "smaller" (500ml) bottle.

  3. Very simple routine! You're skin is beautiful, its obviously working.

    1. Thanks Cindy, since the budget brands work there's absolutely no need to spend tonnes on expensive brands.

  4. Your skin looks really pretty!
    My skincare routine is also very simple.

    1. The simpler it is, the easier it would be to maintain as well!

  5. I like the concept of less is more as it works for my skin also!

    1. Yeay, so many girls with simple skincare routines now. There's absolutely no need to make it complicated, it would probably freak out your skin more and make it react badly so best to keep it simple.

  6. My bestie uses Moo Goo!! I really have to try it out since I keep hearing great reviews for it!
    Although I've found I haven't really needed moisturiser since I started using two-three drops of rosehip oil on my face before bed!! Leaves my skin so supple!

  7. ..and here I was thinking I was the only one who used Konjac sponges :P
    They're great, aren't they? Is yours by the Konjac Sponge Co..? The packet looks different to my one.
    Do you reckon you'll get one of the baby Konjac sponges for when your bub shows up? :)

    1. Mine's from another company, Kuu. They're new to Australia and have sent me a couple to try. I'm seriously loving it, sooo smooth, but i've only been using it for a week so far so can't give a fully informed opinion. I've got the baby one too, but I'll wait and see how things are when he's born before trying it on him. :-)

    2. Yeah, fair enough.. I imagine if I were a baby and a crazy looking sponge were shoved in front of my face I'd be like "WHAT THE HELL?" :P
      I may have to investigate this Kuu brand :)

  8. Thanks for sharing, you have such beautiful skin! I love st. ives scrubs I'm dying to try that moisturizer now :)
