
June 26, 2012

Belly update, I won a giveaway and what should I read?

Feels like I've been pregnant forever
Well I'm now 38 weeks pregnant... that means the baby is officially due in 2 weeks but in reality he could be here at any time. His head is already engaged and he's lying in the right position ready to make his world debut.

I've been very lucky so far in that I've had a relatively easy pregnancy. That all changed last week when I managed to injure my pelvis making me unable to take even one step without holding on to something or someone. My doctor diagnosed me with SPD (apparently happens to 1 in 4 preggo women) and referred me to a physio who actually made things worse, to the point that I couldn't sit, stand, walk or lay down without tears coming to my eyes. I ended up going back to my chiropractor who specializes in pregnancy issues and she worked her magic on me where now I can walk unaided even though it's still painful.

As for the baby? Oblivious to my pain he's happily kicking and punching and doing all kinds of acrobatics in there :-)

And even though I've now started freaking out at the whole labor and delivery part, I can't wait till the little one is finally out and in our arms. And also I'd love to be able to sleep on my stomach again!

I won a blog giveaway!
In other news which made me forget my injuries somewhat, I won the wonderful Tine's 5 year blog anniversary giveaway on Beautyholics Anonymous, full of Dior, Illamasqua, Revlon and more... Below is just a sample of what was in my winning package, and once I start using them I'll be featuring them on the blog. Thank you so much Tine, you're awesome!
Image stolen borrowed from Tine's blog

Read any good books lately?
I forgot to mention that I started maternity leave last week, and until the baby arrives (plus the fact I'm kind of confined to the house since I'm no longer able to drive due to the injury) I have some time to catch up on reading. So if you've read any good books lately, and I read all kinds of novels, please let me know in the comments.
Image source


  1. Wow, can't believe it's almost time! Good luck with it all!
    My book recommendations are 2 funny/quirky fantasy/sci-fi type novels, but not in a Trekky way you know? Both absolutely brilliant:
    Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde (no not the sexy one!)
    Only Forward by Michael Marshall Smith

    1. Thank you! And LOL at the Shades of Grey book... nah, right now there's no way on earth I'd read the sexy SOG book :-)

  2. awww, you look beautiful!! So close! How exciting!

  3. You look amazing at 38 weeks! Any time now :) Yay for winning a giveaway! And I don't have any book recommendations :(

  4. Aaawwww seriously you are glowing - I wanna look so good if/when I be pregnant in future.. haha :) and wow congrats on winning Tine's giveaways, those are some awesome products there!!

    Books.. speaking of books... I'm currently reading Steve Jobs :) dunno if that's your cup of tea...

    So excitinggggg and I can't wait to see the world debut of the little one

    1. Thanks hun. I've got the Steve Jobs book but haven't read it yet and not really feeling that kind of reading at the moment. Prob need something more lighthearted, brain is too fuzzy with preggo hormones to concentrate on anything serious!

  5. You're looking lovely, Lilit! Sorry about the naughty muffin hurting your pelvis :( He'll be here soon and you can smother him in snuggles!

    Don't forget to put up pics of the nursery!! Dying to see it!

    In terms of novels... I just read Harry Potter. So lame but good! Lol!

    1. Thanks babe, I am feeling better now and finally able to walk! And yep once the nursery is complete there'll be pics :-). I just want to get some wall art for the nursery and then I'm done!

  6. What a fantastic giveaway prize! You look great!

  7. I remember back to the very first post when you just posted up about your pregnancy! You'll be okay love!! <3 xx

    1. Thanks hun, it feels like so long ago when I first announced the pregnancy! And now there's not much longer to go, aaagghhhh :)

  8. Yayy for being so close to giving birth!! What an exciting time! Sucks that you've been in so much pain though.

    My book recommendations are: The Help - Kathryn Stockert, The Bronze Horsemen - Paullina Simons.

    1. Thanks for the recommendations! I've already read and loved The Help, but will add the other one to my list to check out.

  9. you have to be the most gorgeous pre go chic ever!!! Absolutely beautiful!

    I recently started reading Fern Michaels- Texas Rich. Its the first of a huge series and I just can't put it down! And Water for Elephants is another good one!

    1. Aaww thanks so much :-)
      Already read and loved Water for Elephants so will add the other one to my list to check out, thanks!

  10. Hi there - sorry to hear about your pelvis.

    Here are some great and easy reads I can recommend for the early newborn weeks (my little guy is 8 weeks):
    1. The mother's group by Fiona Higgins
    2. On the Island by Tracey Garvis-Graves (my guilty favourite)
    3. Bitter Greens by Kate Forsyth

    I found having my kindle with a hard cover to prop it up hands free on the kitchen table was brilliant with holding bubs and eating.

    On another topic I can highly recommend Night Nannies Australia is you are interested sleep guidance, routine development or just a few good night sleeps in the early weeks. My husband and I found them an absolute godsend and was the best money spent ever.

    1. Ooh I was actually eyeing off The Mothers Group on kindle ebooks so I might give that one a try. And thanks for the recommendation on Night Nannies AU. I'll have to check it out as we will need all the help we can get at the beginning with sleep and routines.

      Hope all is going well with your little guy and you're loving having a little one around.

  11. Hope your delivery goes well :)

    You can read this book -

    You will like it :)

    1. Thank you! And thanks for the recommendation.

  12. Congrats on winning the giveaway!

  13. Congratulations on the giveaway Lilit! Enjoy the last few weeks leading up to the birth of your little boy. xo

  14. Wow, you'relao close! I don't know about you bit the last two weeks of my pregnancy dragged in - I was glad Aiden decided to make an early appearance! I'm sorry to hear that youve been hurt, but at least you're on leave now so you can rest up before the little one arrives! As for books, I liked Miriam Towes 'A Complicted Kindness' - its not a difficult read but it's not fluff either :) xo

    1. I can feel the days drag on now, especially since I'm kinda stuck at home and can't go anywhere on my own (no longer able to drive). In one way I want the bub to come early, but on another note it's too scary to think of the labour and all...

      And thanks for the book recommendation, will def check it out.

  15. You are the prettiest pregnant girl i've ever seen!
    I like to read kind of thrillers with a little romance, all of the books of Carol Goodman are good for me. You'll be on the edge of your seat without it beeing to scary. I am currently reading The Discovery Of Witches by Deborah Harkness, it's kind of a fantasy (you could tell from the witches part) but so far I really like it. Twilight or True Blood 's got nothing on this! I can;t wait until we can see some baby pic's, that thing will sure be adorable ;)

    1. Thanks so much! And thanks for the book recommendation, I like thrillers too and a bit of romance keeps things interesting! Will have to check out your books then. :-)

  16. ooh! I would like to recommend The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. :)

    you can watch a video about it on youtube ;)

    Congrats on winning! Be strong and hope you'll stay in good health dear..

  17. Aww Lilit, you look beautiful!
    I'm so sorry to hear you're in pain... The SPD sounds painful! Yikes!
    I can only imagine how exciting it must be as your due date draws closer :)
    I wish I could recommend some books but I have no time to read, much to my heartache, I was a total bookworm.
    All the best to Mom and Baby :)

  18. You look so beautiful! You definitely have that "pregnancy glow" about you :)

    I'm sorry to hear about your injury and the resulting pain but I'm crossing my fingers for a speedy recovery for you <3

  19. Oh Lilit, you are so, so close now! Best of luck with it all {nothing to freak out about, I promise!} and I can't wait to hear your exciting news! Xx

  20. YAY!!! I'm so excited for you! :) You will freak out now, but once you become a mommy BAM! the freaking out turns into butterflies of excitement and non-stop LOVE! :) Best wishes! oxoxo

  21. I am very excited to see your baby:) I hope you will share a few pictures:)congrats on winning this awesome giveaway:) God bless you.

  22. Good luck and congrats! I am reading all the books by Kirstin Hannah as of late. They are lighthearted and quick reads. my favorite is firefly lane.
